When he touched his tongue to where his thumb had rested, the most peculiar, spectacular sensation thrilled through her pelvis and into her limbs. Her belly tightened with unbearable pleasure. It flooded her, tightening every muscle until her body quivered with the strain.

He continued a slow, decadent dance over feminine flesh, lapping and licking like she was a sweet treat. Her legs shook uncontrollably. Her senses spiraled out of control.

She reached down and thrust her fingers into his hair. Her breaths came in ragged, painful bursts, burning a path up her throat before exploding into the quiet.


He continued to nuzzle between her legs, kissing and tonguing her until she begged him to stop, not to stop, for more. And more.

She had no inkling of what was happening or what she should do. So she put herself into his care, gave her trust to him, and she let go of her fears and reservations.

Never had she imagined such a beautiful, physical manifestation of loving between a man and a woman. She knew the mechanics. She knew what had to occur, but somehow she’d thought it would be baser and faster. A quick penetration and maybe a cuddle afterward.

His hands explored her body, every inch, every secret was revealed to him. He kissed and caressed until she was near sobbing, desperate for something just out of her reach.

“Shh, lass,” he murmured as he rose up to position himself between her thighs once more. “I’ve got you. Trust me now. ’Twill hurt a bit at first, but stay with me. ’Tis a fleeting pain, I’m told. And I’ll take care with you.”

There was an odd, aching pulse between her legs. An unfulfilled ache that throbbed endlessly. She twisted restlessly, knowing she needed something more. Her hands flew to his chest in a silent plea for him to ease the ache.

His features drew into a tight, harsh line as he reached down to grasp his erection and guide it to her opening. The brush of his shaft against her entrance sent wave after wave of exquisite anticipation coursing through her.

He paused and their gazes met and held. The muscles in his arms bulged as he lowered himself over her body.

“Hold on to me, lass,” he whispered. “Hold me tight.”

She twined her arms around his neck and pulled him down to meet her lips. As they kissed, he pushed his hips forward the slightest bit. Her eyes flew open at the stretching sensation.

“Does it hurt?”

She shook her head. “Nay. ’Tis a full feeling. ’Tis wondrous. We’re joined.”

He smiled. “Aye, that we are, lass.”

He pushed again and her fingers curled into his back.

“Just a bit more and the worst will be over,” he soothed.

“Worst? But it hasn’t been bad so far,” she murmured.

He grinned as he kissed her. He withdrew and some of the pressure lessened. Then he probed gently once more and the sense of fullness, of stretching so tightly around him was back. She loved that feeling. She wanted more.

“Now, Alaric,” she whispered into his ear. “Make me yours.”

He groaned and moved so his forehead was pressed to hers. Their mouths were a breath apart and their gazes fastened to the other. Just as he thrust forward, he pressed his lips to hers and swallowed her startled gasp of pain.

She felt her body give way, could feel her maidenhead tear as he pushed through. The sudden burn of his complete possession unsettled her.

She became aware of him murmuring to her in a low voice. Sweet, soothing words. Praising her and telling her how beautiful she was.

“ ’Tis over, lass. You’re mine now.” His voice drifted over her ears, warm and husky. “I’ve dreamed of this moment when you take me deep into your body.”

He remained still as her body adjusted to their fit. Then he looked down into her eyes and in between kisses, he asked, “All right now? Is the pain gone?”

“ ’Twas naught but a twinge,” she reassured. “I feel nothing but pleasure.”

With a groan, he withdrew, and she sighed as her body tugged relentlessly at him. Tiny ripples of intense pleasure streaked through her blood, heating her veins until the room seemed overwarm.

Then he eased his way back inside her, watching her all the while as if worried he still caused her pain.

She reached for him and then wrapped her legs around him. “Take me. It doesn’t hurt. Please. I need you.”

It seemed it was all he needed to hear. He dropped down and gathered her tight in his arms and then he plunged forward, his hips meeting hers in a forceful thrust.

She closed her eyes as he rocked over her, their bodies undulating in perfect rhythm. The unbearable tension was back, only this time it didn’t lessen as it had when he’d stopped using his mouth on her.

There was no space between them. Only his hips and bu**ocks moved as he worked in and out of her body. Deeper and harder. She went slick around him and he moved with greater ease. The friction was so sweet, but it made her desperate for something she wasn’t sure of. Release. She needed release. But how?

“Don’t fight it, lass. Hold on to me and let go. Trust me.”

His words soothed the growing anxiety. She relaxed and did as he asked. She gave him herself. Her trust.

Faster and faster, they raced up a seemingly endless peak. Just when she was sure she could take no more and would beg him to cease, it was like stepping off into empty space.

The world around her blurred. Her body spasmed and wave upon wave of wondrous, mind-numbing pleasure splintered and fell over her.

His hold tightened around her. He drove into her and then held himself deep just before tearing himself away. She reached for him, afraid he was leaving her, but he collapsed back onto her and she felt hot spurts on her bare belly.