Keeley nodded her approval and then walked past, not really knowing where she was going, but she could definitely use some air. She could still feel Alaric’s mouth on hers. She could still taste him.

Chapter 10

Alaric kept his gaze fastened on the lass until she disappeared from view. Then he shot his brothers the full force of his glare.

“Is there something you wanted?” he asked irritably.

“Aye,” Caelen drawled. “For instance, to know whether you were still alive or not.”

“As you can see I am. Isn’t there something else you could be doing?”

Ewan shook his head and sat on the stool next to the bed. “Forget your fascination with the lass for a moment. There are things we must know. Starting with who did this to you.”

Alaric sighed. His side ached. His head felt as though he’d spent the last week drowning in a tankard of ale, and he was hungry and grouchy to boot. The last thing he wanted was an inquisition.

“I don’t know,” he said honestly. “They ambushed us in the middle of the night. It was a slaughter. We were outnumbered at least six to one. Maybe more. I barely managed escape and don’t remember much beyond waking up feeling as though I was being burned by the fires of hell but with an angel soothing the pain.”

Caelen snorted. “More like a she-demon likely mated to Satan himself.”

“She saved my life,” Alaric said.

“Aye, she did,” Ewan agreed. “She has a fine hand at healing. I plan for her to attend Mairin’s birth.”

Unexpected pleasure—and excitement—coursed through Alaric’s blood, stirring desire he hadn’t felt for a woman in a long time. He had plenty of dalliances. A quick tup now and then was good for a man’s disposition. But Keeley fired his senses like no other. He was on edge, his skin way too tight, all because she wasn’t near.

“She agreed to come here and be our healer?” Alaric asked casually.

Caelen chuckled. “Not exactly.”

Alaric narrowed his eyes. “What does that mean?”

“It means we didn’t give her a choice in the matter. You needed her skills and so will Mairin. So I brought her here,” Ewan said with a shrug.

Typical Ewan. He made a decision and acted on it. Though he liked the idea of Keeley being near, it didn’t sit well that his brothers had manhandled her. It would explain her sharpness with him.

“Forget the woman,” Caelen said darkly. “Unless you forget, you have an agreement to wed McDonald’s daughter.”

Nay, he hadn’t forgotten. He may have pushed it from his mind temporarily, but he hadn’t forgotten why he’d embarked on the journey where he’d lost several of his best men.

“I received a missive from Gregor a few hours ago,” Ewan said. “He was concerned that you hadn’t arrived yet. I held off sending him word of what transpired until I knew myself what exactly had happened.”

“ ’Twas as I said,” Alaric said wearily. He raised his hand and rubbed his aching temple. “We’d stopped for the night. Six men were standing guard. In the middle of the night we were attacked with speed and ferocity I haven’t witnessed since the attack that decimated our keep eight years ago.”

“Cameron?” Caelen asked with a scowl.

Ewan blew out his breath, his eyes as dark as a winter storm. “Who else? What purpose would anyone else have to launch such a vicious attack? This was no demand for ransom. You don’t slaughter people you have hopes of collecting a bounty for.”

Caelen leaned against the wall, his lips set into a grim line. “But why Alaric? Mairin and Neamh Álainn have been his focus. Killing you makes sense, Ewan. That gets him closer to his aim of having both Mairin and her inheritance. Killing Alaric does nothing to further his crusade.”

“He has a vested interest in keeping our clans from allying themselves,” Alaric pointed out. “ ’Tis not just the McDonalds. ’Tis the fact we would control a vast portion of land and that neighboring clans would readily join with us. They’d be afraid not to.”

“I’ll send word to McDonald of what occurred. I’ll alert him so that he will be on guard against a possible attack by Cameron. We’ll determine what is to be done about your marriage to Rionna.”

Caelen nodded his agreement. “For now our focus should be on Mairin’s safety and seeing her through the delivery of her child. All else can wait.”

Alaric also nodded, relief rushing through his body until the sensation left him light-headed. He knew their clan needed this alliance with the McDonalds. Their future depended on making strong ties with neighboring clans. He even coveted the position of laird of his own clan. But that didn’t mean he was in a rush to leave everything he held dear. It didn’t mean he was ready to rush into marriage with a woman who inspired nothing within him.

Perhaps that explained his unreasonable attraction to Keeley. Not only did the lass save him, but proximity and the fact that he was hesitant to bind himself to another woman might account for him wanting her near him. She was a distraction. Aye, nothing more.

Feeling better now that he’d explained away his odd fascination with her, he returned his attention to his brothers.

“I won’t be down for long. It’s naught but a cut to my side. I’ll be up and on the training field in no time. And then we can turn our attention to staining the countryside with Cameron’s blood.”

Caelen snorted. “A wee cut? You nearly died from that scratch. You’ll rest and do as Keeley instructs even if I have to tie you down and sit on you.”