Gertie and the women of the keep ran themselves ragged trying to prepare enough food for the influx of visitors.

It seemed the whole of the highlands buzzed with anticipation. War was imminent, and each clan wanted to make sure they allied themselves with the winning side.

The king would openly declare his approval on the marriage between Rionna and Alaric and would also demand allegiance from the neighboring clans. With the bestowal of Neamh Álainn upon Ewan’s daughter, the McCabes would control the largest holding in Scotland apart from the king himself.

It would be a day remembered for years to come.

Her gaze drifted over to Alaric, who stood listening attentively to Rionna, though ’Twas the truth it looked more like Rionna was lecturing him.

She’d known that Alaric was destined for greatness. As laird of the McDonalds, he would take his place alongside Ewan in the defense of the throne—and of their own clans.

At that moment Alaric looked up and the breeze caught his braid. Her fingers itched to thread their way through the thick pelt of his hair. Their gazes met and grief spasmed over his face.

Keeley withdrew, not wanting any witnesses to the exchange. She would do nothing to shame Rionna, no matter that her heart was breaking into a million pieces.

A knock at her door interrupted the maudlin direction of her thoughts and she went eagerly to answer it, grateful for the distraction.

To her surprise, Caelen loomed in her doorway. She stared up at him, unable to think of anything to say.

Caelen didn’t look any more comfortable with the situation. He cleared his throat and scowled. “I thought you might like … that is, I thought you might not want to go down for the evening meal without an escort.”

She lifted her eyebrow. “Are you offering?”

He frowned deeper. “Aye. I know ’tis overwhelming and the talk will be of Alaric’s marriage on the morrow. But I don’t think you should spend the eve alone in your chamber.”

Her expression softened and she smiled up at him.

“For God’s sake, just don’t cry,” he grumbled.

She smothered her laughter. “I’d be happy for your escort.”

He held out his arm and stared pointedly at her.

The evening meal was noisy and boisterous, and it lasted long into the night. The high table was filled with lairds of surrounding clans, all jockeying for favor with the king.

Rionna looked bored and restless as she sat between Alaric and her father. Mairin looked as though she’d tip over at any moment, until Ewan put his arm around her and pulled her into his side, obviously uncaring of proprieties.

Caelen sat next to Keeley and quietly observed the hubbub around him. Though not talkative, he did lean in on more than one occasion and ask Keeley how she was faring.

His concern touched her. Beneath Caelen’s surly disposition lay a man steeped in honor and loyalty. She knew not what had made him such a wary and cautious man with his affections, but ’Twas equally evident that once earned, his devotion did not waver.

“I worry that this evening has been too much for Mairin,” Keeley whispered to Caelen. “She’ll not admit she’s overtired because she wants to remain by her husband’s side, especially with the king here.”

Caelen glanced in Mairin’s direction and frowned. “Ewan should have ordered her to bed an hour ago.”

“Perhaps I can intervene and say the babe has need of her.”

“I’ll go up with the both of you so Ewan does not have to leave the gathering,” Caelen said firmly.

Keeley smiled. “ ’Tis glad I am of your escort.”

“He’ll not have the chance to be alone with you again,” Caelen vowed as he stared pointedly at Laird McDonald.

Keeley rose without glancing in Laird McDonald’s direction, though she did find Rionna and offered a small smile. Her gaze flickered over Alaric but she looked quickly away, afraid that her face would betray her.

Caelen led her to the head of the table and Keeley offered a curtsy to the king before turning her attention to Laird McCabe.

“I would take Lady McCabe above stairs if you give your leave. I’m concerned that she overtaxes herself so soon after the birth of your daughter.”

The words were said for the benefit of the others seated close to Ewan and Mairin. Ewan shot her a grateful look and then rose to assist his wife to her feet.

Even Mairin looked thankful as she stepped to take Caelen’s proffered arm.

Keeley was about to turn away when the king held up his hand. Keeley froze, uncertain as to what to do. Had she offered insult by interrupting?

“Ewan tells me you are the healer who attended my niece during her pregnancy and at her birthing time.”

“Aye, Your Majesty.”

The words stuttered out so shaky, she was unsure that they were intelligible.

“He tells me you have great skill and that you also saved the life of Alaric McCabe.”

Keeley nodded, her discomfort growing as more people stopped eating to listen to the king’s words.

“The McCabes are fortunate to have you. If Ewan was not such a valued ally, I would take you to tend me personally.”

Her eyes widened and she gulped. “T-Thank you, Your Majesty. ’Tis a great honor to have you say so.”

He lifted his hand in dismissal. “Go now. My niece has need of her rest. I charge you with her health and that of her newborn babe.”

Keeley curtsied again, grateful she didn’t trip and disgrace herself. Then she hurried after Caelen and Mairin as they headed toward the stairs.

“How are you faring?” Mairin asked Keeley when they were alone in Mairin’s chamber.