Gregor had the grace to look discomfited by Ewan’s bluntness. “With the break in the weather, it only made sense to make our journey sooner. ’Tis possible if the weather worsens, we wouldn’t be able to make the journey until the spring, and I wished to seal our alliance at the first opportunity.”

He blew out his breath and looked uneasily at Ewan. “I hear rumor that Cameron is gathering men and that he allies himself with Malcolm. David doesn’t have the strength to win a war against the combined force of Malcolm and Cameron. If Cameron turns his sights on my lands or those of the neighboring clans, we won’t be able to hold up under his might. An alliance is our only chance to defeat him.

“ ’Tis the truth, Ewan, that the whole of the highlands holds their breath in anticipation of the heir to Neamh Álainn. That holding is at the heart of our stronghold. With the McCabes in control, we form an impenetrable wall that even Cameron will be unable to defeat.”

Alaric listened to the laird’s words with a sinking heart. ’Twas true, all of it. His marriage to Rionna was crucial, for not only did it seal an alliance between the McDonalds and the McCabes, but it would pull neighboring clans into that alliance. Clans that were otherwise afraid to defy Cameron—or choose the wrong side of the battle for the throne.

“Then you’ve come because you want the marriage soon.”

Gregor nodded. “As soon as it can be arranged.”

“Rionna is agreeable to this?” Ewan asked.

Gregor’s lips twisted. “She is my daughter. She knows her duty. She will agree.”

Ewan cast a long look at Alaric, almost as if he could reach inside his brother’s head and pluck out his thoughts. Alaric hated that look. Hated knowing his brother pitied him.

“Are you willing, Alaric?” Ewan asked quietly.

Alaric swallowed. At his sides, his fingers curled slowly into tight balls. Then he looked up at his future father by marriage—a man from whom he’d take over the position of laird.

It was the hardest words he’d ever speak, but his brother, his king, Mairin, his clan … they were all depending on him.

And so he spoke the words that would force the woman he loved from his life.

“Aye. I’m willing.”

Chapter 29

“I cannot face her.”

Keeley whirled around to stare out her window, ignoring the chill that leaked into her chamber.

Maddie sighed and then walked up behind Keeley to slide an arm around her. “I know ’tis painful for you, lass. But there is naught to gain from hiding. Sooner or later you’ll have to come out. Mairin is due to have her babe any day now. You can’t miss that.”

“ ’Tis bad enough I once called her friend, but now I must stand aside and watch her marry Alaric. And Laird McDonald.” She shuddered and closed her eyes. “How can I look at him after what he’s done?”

Maddie gripped her arm and turned her around. “Come sit, lass. I want a word with you.”

Numbly, Keeley followed Maddie over to the bed and sank onto the edge. The older woman settled next to her and then took her hand.

“You’ve done nothing wrong. You have nothing to be ashamed of. ’Tis the laird’s sin and he’ll answer to God for it in the end.”

“I shouldn’t be here,” Keeley said with a moan. “ ’Tis such a tangled mess. I gave myself to a man I can’t have. The man who is to marry a woman I used to call sister. And yet I sit here angry with her and her father. I’m not blameless when it comes to wrong.”

Maddie wrapped her arms around Keeley and rocked back and forth. “ ’Tis true you’re in an impossible situation. I don’t dispute that. But you have to know that Laird McCabe won’t allow any harm to come to you. Alaric won’t allow it either. You’re safe. Laird McDonald can do you no harm, and ’tis the truth, lass, he’ll likely pretend he knows you not.”

“I know you have the right of it,” Keeley said. “I’m just afraid.”

Maddie stroked her hand over Keeley’s hair. “There, there, lass. I don’t blame you for being afraid, but you have all the McCabes behind you. If you truly love Alaric, make this as easy as possible for him. Don’t let him see how much you’re hurting. ’Twill only add to his burden.”

Keeley drew away and wiped the tears from her eyes. “You’re right of course. I’m acting like a spoiled child.”

Maddie smiled. “You’re acting like a woman in love who knows she’s going to lose. I’d say you’re acting normal.”

Keeley sent her a watery smile. “I’ll be brave tomorrow. I promise. For today, I just want to remain above stairs.”

“That seems fair enough to me. I’ll let Mairin know what you’re about. She’ll understand. She worries for you.”

“Summon me if she has need of me. I’ll come immediately.”

Maddie nodded and then rose from her perch on the bed.

Keeley flopped back to stare at the ceiling. Just this morn she’d lain with Alaric in this bed and told him she loved him. And he’d told her he loved her, too.

Tears leaked down the sides of her face. This wasn’t supposed to have been their last day. They were supposed to have known of the McDonalds’ arrival ahead of time, and they would have time to say good-bye. One last time together. One more night in each other’s arms.

She closed her eyes as the tears fell faster.

“I love you,” she whispered. “I’ll always love you.”