She cracked one eye open and stared balefully up at him. “I have no intention of dying, Caelen, so you may save your insults. ’Tis the truth, though, I prefer you surly, for I know not this man before me. Perhaps ’tis proof I have died and just don’t have the sense to realize it yet.”

Caelen threw back his head and laughed. “Aye, you’re much too ornery to die, lass. I guess that much we have in common.”

“God help me,” Alaric muttered. “ ’Tis the last thing I have need of. Two Caelens.”

“Do you have plans to be nicer to me now?” Keeley murmured sleepily.

“Only if you stay awake and cease to worry my brother,” he returned. “Alaric looks like a worried mother.”

“Don’t be nice. It has me thinking I’m dying.”

Her voice was growing fainter and it worried Alaric. Where were the serving women with the hot water? The warm broth? More blankets and dry clothing?

Caelen and Alaric exchanged concerned glances, and then Caelen abruptly stood and strode to the door. He bellowed down the hallway, making Keeley flinch in Alaric’s arms.

A moment later, Maddie hurried in with Christina, Bertha, and Mairin on her heels.

“Mairin,” Alaric reproached. “You shouldn’t be up and about. Leave Keeley’s care to the rest of us.”

She pointed a finger. “You hush, Alaric McCabe. Keeley is my friend and she saved my son. I’ll see to her needs until I’m satisfied all is well.”

The tub and pails of water were borne into the room. Soon the tub was filled and the women began to shoo the men from the room.

Reluctantly Alaric rose. He didn’t want to leave her, but his presence would only raise questions and make things uncomfortable for Keeley.

Still, he positioned himself outside the door and refused to budge while Keeley was being cared for. Caelen remained with him and soon Ewan joined the two men.

“I assume my wife is within,” Ewan said in resignation.

“Aye, they’re warming Keeley in the tub,” Alaric said.

“Our watch has been doubled and the children have been forbidden to go beyond the first skirt. None of the women are to leave the keep unescorted.”

Caelen nodded his agreement. “The sooner spring arrives and our alliances are sealed, the sooner we can turn our eyes to destroying Cameron. Our clan will never know peace while he’s alive.”

Alaric swallowed and leaned his head back against the wall. Aye, he knew there was urgent need of his marriage to Rionna McDonald. The sooner the better. And yet he dreaded her arrival with everything within him. He prayed for a harsh winter and frequent snows. Anything that would keep the McDonalds within their walls.

Keeley’s door opened and Mairin stepped outside. Ewan’s arm instantly wrapped around her, and she lay her head on his shoulder.

But it was Alaric she looked at when she spoke. “Keeley is doing well. We’ve warmed her and she’s abed. There was a wound to her head where one of her attackers struck her, but ’tisn’t a serious injury. It won’t even require stitching.”

Alaric’s chest collapsed in relief. He watched as the other women filed by him and ignored the inquiring look that Maddie sent his way. As soon as everyone had left the room, he turned to go in.

At the door he paused and looked back at his brothers. “See that we aren’t disturbed.”

Chapter 23

Keeley opened her eyes to see Alaric standing by the bed, his expression brooding and inquisitive.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

“Warm. Finally warm.”

But even as she spoke, a shiver rolled over her body, setting off another round of uncontrollable chills.

With a muttered curse, he slid onto the bed next to her and pulled her into his arms.

He was heaven. Like a stone warmed in an oven. She pushed every part of her body into his and absorbed his heat to her bones. It was so exquisite that she moaned.

“Are you in pain?” he asked quickly.

“Nay. ’Tis a wondrous sensation. You are so warm. I may never want to move.”

He kissed her brow and soothed a hand over her face. “If ’twas my choice, you never would.”

“Can I sleep now? Maddie said the injury to my head wasn’t serious. I find myself unable to hold my eyes open.”

“Aye, Keeley, sleep. I’ll remain ever near to watch over you.”

His promise gladdened her heart and spread warmth into areas still numb with the cold. Although she knew he shouldn’t be here, she hadn’t the power—or the desire—to turn him away.

She rubbed her cheek over his broad chest and sighed in contentment. The night was hers, and she’d not spend a single moment lamenting what couldn’t be changed. Instead she’d enjoy whatever she could have, while she could have it, and tomorrow would take care of itself.

During the night, Alaric was awakened by Keeley’s restless movements. It took him a moment in his deep sleep to realize that she was still asleep herself.

Rousing himself, he studied her in the dim light as she twisted fretfully next to him. Fear took hold and he cupped a hand over her forehead.

He cursed as he registered the warmth radiating from her.

“ ’Tis cold,” she said in a small voice. “I can’t get warm. Please, the fire, I need the fire.”

Shivers wracked her body, and as hot as she felt to his touch, she seemed equally freezing on the inside.

“Shh, love. I’ll warm you.”

Even as he said the words, he recalled the knowledge that extra warmth only added to a fever. Was he supposed to strip her of the furs and her clothing and bathe her in cool water, or at least wipe her brow with a cool rag?