“Were you hired to kill me?” I wondered if I should feel flattered he’d decided to fuck me before killing me. When did he plan to do it? The next time we got naked and I was vulnerable?
“I did make myself available should someone wish to put out a contract on your life.”
One large tear rolled down my cheek, and a crushing pain enveloped me, not a physical one but mental, a debilitating sensation, one that made me drop my head and stifle sobs.
“But I never intended to actually kill you.”
I waited for him to start screaming at his obvious lie. When not even a whimper sounded, I looked up and met his eyes filled with sorrow.
His eyes pled with mine. “The offer of my services as assassin was to flush out whoever wanted to hurt you so I could kill them and keep you safe. I would never harm you.” The flames didn’t even flicker.
“Why not?” A simple question meant to convey a dozen questions I couldn’t voice.
“The moment I met you, my beast recognized you as our mate.”
I snorted. “Great, so because your dragon wants me, you decided to pursue me instead of killing me.”
“My dragon wants you, very much, but the man, he wants you even more. You intrigue me, Sally. I love your feisty attitude. I love the way you kick ass. I love that thing you do with your tongue. Don’t you get it? I love you.”
Now I really expected him to start screaming as the Fire of Truth seared his lying skin from his body, but the flames still danced harmlessly.
Oh, by Satan’s horns, he told the truth. I tried to get up and run away from the love in his eyes, from the love bursting forth from my heart. I couldn’t give in to it. Love would hurt me, destroy me. Make me into someone I wasn’t.
A force held me in place, though. I vaguely heard the crowd cheering and whistling. Then the emcee boomed. “Both have told a deep dark secret and proven their worth. There is only one challenge left now. Tune in tomorrow to see who will be the Last Sidekick Standing.”
The curtain dropped, and the invisible force holding me let go and I ran, straight to the only person I trusted. The one who truly loved me. Daddy.
Chapter Thirteen
My father’s reception room overflowed with females—demons, souls, and beings belonging to realms outside Earth and Hell. I pushed my way through them, looking for my father, who lounged amidst his harem.
Although he’d lived centuries, my father didn’t look any older than a man in his mid-forties. By choice. He could choose whatever appearance he wanted, but he preferred that of a man who’d lived, a man with character.
I didn’t care what he looked like. I only wanted the comfort my daddy could offer.
As soon as he spotted me, he clapped his hands and shooed his lovebirds away. As a demon of lust—some humans once upon a time had even worshipped him as a god—he was never without female company, and, sometimes, even males accompanied him. But I always came first.
I threw myself on my father, burrowing my face into his chest, and noisy sobs escaped me, such a rarity.
“Who do I need to kill?” he asked in a voice dripping with frost.
Daddy dearest always knew what to say to make me feel better. “Me, for being such an idiot.”
“What is it, Sally-bird? What’s happened?”
Um, was my father the only one in Hell not watching HBC and its ongoing saga, also known as my life, the unfolding disaster? “It’s awful, Daddy.”
“Is this about that Drake boy? Do I need to have him hung up by his toenails and have his entrails ripped out?”
“Yes.” Then quickly before he sent out the order, “No. He said me loved me, Daddy.”
“The bastard,” said my father in a choked voice.
I peered up at him to see him stifling a grin. “You jerk. You knew why I was here.”
Daddy laughed. “Of course I did, you idiot. You’re my little girl. I know about everything that happens to you. So Drake admitted, under a spell of truth no less, he loves you. What’s the problem?”