“Holy fuck.” Like an idiot, I’d completely forgotten about the cameras following me, and they hadn’t missed a thing from my hot dancing with Drake to our impromptu makeout session—I really liked the part where he ripped my panties off—to the foiled demon attack. It ended with the cab speeding away, but with a scene I hadn’t seen—Drake cursing then turning to hit the brick wall behind him with a closed fist.

If he didn’t want me to go, then why didn’t he come with me? What suddenly had become more important than pleasuring my pussy and, in the doing, himself?

I would have liked to ponder it further, but an exuberant Jezzie wanted to know all the pertinent details.

“Is he a good kisser?”

“The best.” I sighed. Suddenly, though, I found myself tired. I didn’t want to think about what I’d almost experienced. For the first time in my life, my emotions were a muddled mess, and I didn’t like it one bit. Something about Drake drew me like no other man ever before. I couldn’t stop thinking about him and wanting him. It made no sense. I’d desired guys before, and no, I hadn’t slept with all of them. I never used to have a problem walking away. But it was different with Drake. Why?

Sexual frustration. That had to be the answer. I refused to contemplate anything else. And it definitely wasn’t the dreaded L word.

Ugh. Never. Love was for pussies. Love was for other people who didn’t mind weakness. I wasn’t weak.

A good shag was all I needed. Once I’d fucked him, say a dozen times or so, these weird feelings would disappear. I hoped.

The next day, I found myself back in the coliseum with a screaming crowd. Standing in the wings dressed in a strapless black bathing suit with painted flames licking up under my boobs from my crotch and black come-fuck-me boots—a totally bitching outfit—I peeked around the curtain and spotted signs in the stands. I leaned over to question Jezzie about them.

“Superhero names,” she stated. “We’ve got it down to about a dozen now, and the voting has started.”

“What are the top three so far?”

Feet shuffled nervously, and Jezzie preferred to stare at them instead of me. “Nothing’s concrete yet,” she said, hedging.

“Tell me.” I crossed my arms and tapped my foot.

Jezzie sighed. “Just don’t hurt me, okay? I didn’t choose them. They’re audience voted.”

“You’re stalling.”

“One is Hell’s Babe.”

Not bad, kind of sexy actually.

“Bitch Slap.”

Not too bad still, even if it made me sound more like trailer trash.

“Soul Slut.”

“What?” I screeched, and she winced.

“Don’t worry too much about that one. It’s in third.”

“It shouldn’t have even made the list,” I grumbled. I would have liked to argue about it more, but it was time for me to go stand in the spotlight as round two in the minion selection process began.

Seated on my throne, I listened to the announcer as he detailed the next task.

“A sidekick requires cunning. The ability to retrieve information and objects with none the wiser. Who of these five remaining contestants has what it takes to move on to the next round?”

Who indeed, I thought, tapping my fingernails impatiently on the armrest. The curtain hung in front of me, a heavy fabric shield that prevented me from seeing Drake, the jerk who’d left me hot and yearning the night before.

No more.

I’d spent too much time since last night thinking of him. Even though we’d met only two days ago, I was tired of him making me hot and heavy and not following through. Turn my legs to mush and not finish me off? Never again. I’d had it with him. Right after today’s episode, I was going on a male hunt. I didn’t care who I fucked at this point. I just needed someone with a dick who knew what to do with a horny woman. Drake wasn’t the only guy who could turn my libido on. And I would prove to myself he was just another guy, nothing special about him.

I suddenly tuned back into what the announcer said. “The task was simple. Bring back an item without her realizing you’d taken it. A personal item that was recently in contact with her oh-so-luscious self.”

Wait a second. Are they talking about me? Like fuck would I be giving anybody anything that dangerous. Items of a personal nature could be used in nefarious spells, something I liked to avoid. The curtain rose while I still wore a scowl from this latest turns of events.