Before I could touch Albert and say the words to send him back where he belonged, my shirtless wonder said them, and with a dwindling scream of frustration—a scream I almost repeated—my new pair of shoes, umm target, was sucked back to Hell.

I gaped at the glistening skin on the back of my shirtless hunk, too angry for words—not to mention still hornier than ever.

He turned and faced me. With a sensual smile, he strutted toward me, and even in my pissed-off state, I couldn’t help the arousal that flashed through me. He was fucking gorgeous. Built like an ox and at least six and a half feet, he towered over me. Slabs of muscle covered his impossibly wide chest, and his arms were so thick I doubted I could get both hands around them. His skin was tanned and smooth while his unruly hair was black as night. Fuck me, I wanted him—naked, like right now.

A light glinted in his shockingly blue eyes, and I wondered briefly what demon caste he belonged to, for this close, I could sense his otherness.

I said nothing when he placed a hand around my waist and pulled me hard against him, lifting me so our lips aligned. Another kind of girl might have protested his manly assumption. That girl wasn’t me.

I wanted him to kiss me. And he did.

The touch of his hard lips on mine sent an electric shock throughout my body, and I clutched at him tightly as my knees turned to pudding and buckled. His mouth slanted over mine, claiming it with seductive mastery. Lest you think I completely succumbed to him, I should note I gave back as good as I got, slipping my tongue between his lips to wetly tangle with his.

I lost myself in the pleasure of the kiss. Unlike many prudes, I saw no issue with making out with guys I barely knew. I tended to live in the moment, and boy, this was one moment I didn’t want to end.

Plastered against his solid length, I couldn’t miss his erection as it pulsed against me behind the confining material of his jeans. I ground myself against it, and he grunted in my mouth. He slid his hands down from my waist to cup my full ass and pressed me more firmly against him.

Oh sweet fucking bliss. Wet didn’t come close to describing the state of my pussy, and I couldn’t wait to soak his cock.

If it hadn’t been for the stupid drunken humans who came stumbling into the alley, I would have screwed him, right there against the brick wall. But I had a softer bed at my place. We separated, our breathing uneven, pulses racing, and I opened my mouth to tell him to come back to my apartment so I could make him a lucky man.

He, unfortunately, spoke first and ruined my mood. “You’re welcome.”

I think my jaw dropped. I know I clenched a fist when I asked him tightly, “Welcome for what?”

“Rescuing you, of course.”

I gaped at him then I lost it. “Listen here, you—you—” I sputtered.


Ooh, hot name, but I wouldn’t let his hotness distract me from my anger, lusty hormones or not. “I don’t know who you think you are, but I had things perfectly under control until you decided to jump out of the sky like some underdressed Batman and take over. That was my bounty you stole.”

He scoffed at me, and I let it pass. I know. I was surprised I didn’t kill him too.

“Please, a cute little thing like you a bounty hunter?”

I restrained myself from preening. Me, cute and little? Damned smooth talker. But pretty words wouldn’t allow him to escape my wrath. “Don’t you use flattery to cloud the issue. I was assigned this bounty by the Hellacious Office of Escapees.” More shortly known as HOE.

He crossed his arms over his impressive chest, and my mouth went dry because all the moisture in my body headed straight for my pussy.

“Impossible. They put me on this case just today.”

Even though I was slightly overcome with lust, things suddenly became clear. “Medusa,” I snarled. “I’m gonna feed her snakes laxatives for this.”

A rumbling chuckle made me break off from the swearing and various tortures I’d inflict on the slithery bitch. “What’s so damned funny?” I asked, features creased in a scowl, one that I might add didn’t intimidate him at all.

“You’re funny. And cute when you’re mad.” His eyes glinted with mirth, and his lips twitched in a smile that made me want to taste them all over again. “Say, do you want to get a coffee or something?”

Ha, first he’d stolen my bounty, and then he thought I was going to let him ravish me. Hmm, then again, on second thought, a ravishment that included a lot of oral would probably go a long way toward appeasing me.

“I say let’s skip right to the something.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the street where we could flag a cab. I could have called a portal, but I really had this thing for making out in the backseat of cabs while the driver watched.

I didn’t drag my shirtless hunk for long, as his greater stride brought him alongside me and his fingers weaved through mine, an intimate gesture I wouldn’t have believed of a big guy like him.

“I don’t suppose you’ll tell me your name before you have your way with me?” he asked, humor in his tone. “I’m Drake by the way.”

“So you already said. I’m Sally,” I replied absently, looking up the street for a yellow taxi.