“By the way, what do you think of our new coach?” Her eyebrows dance up and down on her forehead. “Hot, right?”

“Oh my god, yes.” I gush with her. Our new head coach is gorgeous, but completely off limits.

For one, he’s our coach. Two, he’s married. As Luca says, an argument is best made in three points, and three, he has to be at least fifteen years older than us. But I can’t deny the man looks good.

“He’s married,” I tell Jocelyn to warn her before she gets carried away.

“Oh, I know.” She rolls her eyes dramatically. “All the good ones are taken.”

The guys pull up to the house in several cars, and the girls are already blindfolded inside. Jocelyn helps line them all up in number order to match the girls waiting.

I count and recount. And count again.

“Luca,” I stand in front of my best friend. “Why are you standing in thirteen’s spot?”

“I switched.” He shrugs.

“You switched?” I shriek. This is bad. Luca cannot have that number. “You can’t just switch.”

“It’s my lucky number.” He leans down for Jocelyn to put on his blindfold. “We all switched. I switched with Carter. Carter switched with Hines.”

“Carter?” No, no, no, no. This keeps getting worse. Carter Pierce isn't the type of guy we were looking for. “I told you to ask the nice guys.”

“He paid fifty bucks,” Luca explains, looking in the opposite direction of where I’m standing. At least the blindfolds are working. “We were in a time crunch.”

“I’m blaming you if anything happens.” I slap his arm, making him jump.

I check down the line and see Carter ready at the number six spot. I wouldn’t have let him leave the house if I had noticed before.

“It’ll be fine,” Jocelyn assures me as she fixes Carter’s blindfold.

“You overpaid.” I touch his arm, so he knows I’m talking to him. “It’s only twenty-five.”

“Keep it for the shelter.” He scratches the thick scruff on his chin. “See? I can be nice.” He heard me talking to Luca, not like I was hiding our conversation. I don’t care if Carter Pierce hears what I think of him.

“You’re an asshole on your good days.” I roll my eyes.

“Women love the asshole.” Carter’s mouth ticks up into a sly grin. “You would know that better than anyone, right Willa? How long have you been with yours?” He refers to my boyfriend.

“Dick.” I flick his shoulder.

“Oh, baby. I like it rough,” he groans with a smug smirk.

“Be nice,” I remind him and turn away with Jocelyn. “Who is he paired up with?”

“Chelsea,” she sighs. This keeps getting better and better.

Chelsea isn’t the most pleasant person either.

Jocelyn keeps watch over Carter and Chelsea as we guide the guys in, and I stay close to Luca and Kandi. But not even twenty minutes in, Chelsea screams from across the room.

“Get this asshole off me. Now!”

I rush over to help Jocelyn untie them.

“The knot is tightening from all the pulling,” I say to get Chelsea to stop tugging on the cloth around their wrists. She keeps pulling away every time I’m able to get the knot loose, only for it to tighten back up again.

“Don’t be such a bitch. I didn’t do or say anything.” Carter defends himself and tries to help me as best he can while still being blindfolded. “Just calm down and let her untie us.”