“Let’s go, I need one more.” Luca ushers the guys down into their living room.

“What’s happening hea?” Finn says in his Irish accent. He and Alex, two of Luca’s best guy friends and members of the team, jog in behind us.

Perfect. Alex is taken, but Finn is single.

“Luca, I have the last one right here,” I shout and link my arm in Finn’s. “Do you have twenty-five bucks for charity?”

“Aye.” He looks down, standing at least a foot over me.

“Luca was supposed to ask weeks ago, and we need fifteen single guys for our blind date event.”

Alex laughs and runs up the stairs to get away from the chaos that Jocelyn is trying to take control of.

“Ah shite,” Finn curses and pulls his arm away from me to swipe over his lightly freckled face.

“Please, Finn. We have the Delta’s waiting, and it’s for charity,” I beg with my hands pressed together between us.

“The Delta’s?” He clears his throat.

“Yup, no freshmen. Most of them agreed to—”

“Alright, fine.” He’s quick to agree without any details, pulling his wallet out to give me money. “I need to change first.”

“I told you I had this.” Luca winks at me while getting the guys to line up so Jocelyn can pass around the bag of numbers.

Luca pulls out the number ten and frowns. Thank god it’s not thirteen. I love Luca, but he and Kandi do not get along. She’d hate me if I let them get paired up.

The guys are all set with their numbers and Jocelyn pours them each a shot.

“Meet us at the Delta Nu house in fifteen minutes.” I point to Luca as I back away. Finn comes down just in time to get the last number. “Did you hear that, Finn?”

“Fifteen minutes. Got it.” He holds up his number, nine, with a nod.

I’ve known Luca since pee-wee hockey, but he has trouble focusing on tasks and getting places on time. Finn will make sure all the guys get there.

“Running was not a good idea,” Jocelyn laughs as we round the corner to head back home.

“We have time.” I slow down to a jog and then a fast-paced walk with her.

“Planning this event with you has been a lot of fun.” She drapes her arm over my shoulders. “We got to spend more time together.”

“We always spend time together.” I laugh as we cross the street to pass Fraternity Row. It’s the block between our sorority house and the hockey house, with a bunch of frat houses lining the street.

I catch a glimpse of my boyfriend’s house up the small block. They have tables set up on the lawn, preparing for a party tonight. There’s always a party.

“You’re always with Vic,” Jocelyn sighs, looking in the same direction I am. “When we do hang out, it’s always at their parties or when they’re away for a competition or a guy’s trip.”

“That’s not…” I try to argue, but she’s not wrong. Vic has a party every weekend, and multiple nights during the week, and I’m there for each one.

“I get it. He’s your boyfriend and I see you at practice and for games, and all the other times.” She bumps my shoulder with hers as we round the next corner to come to Sorority Row. “But I enjoy hanging out with my friend without her loser boyfriend.”

Here we go. It wouldn’t be a conversation about my life without mentioning how much they hate Vic. I get it from everyone, not just Jocelyn.

“He’s not a loser.” I defend him like always. “He’s not perfect, but I love him. And I’ll try to be around more for everyone. It’s our last year.”

“God, can you believe it?” She shakes her head in wonder. “We’re actually graduating and then it’s off to the pros.”

A grin spreads across her face, imaging life as a pro hockey player. I smile along with her. We’re living our dreams.