I drop my shoes and slide down next to him. Turning him to his side and holding his arms down.
“Jonah?” Gia cries, still on the bed in nothing but her bra with her hands through her just fucked hair. “Oh no, what’d I do?”
“Call 9-1-1,” I shout to break her out of the shock she’s in.
My training kicks in with my obligation to stay and help this man, even when I should get the hell out of here and never look back. Two years ago, I joined the fire department and became a paramedic to piss my father off, and this is the first time I’m regretting that decision.
“I’m so sorry baby,” his wife sobs with the phone to her ear. “He has epilepsy.” I hear her tell the dispatcher after they get an ambulance en route, and I thank the promiscuous sex gods that I’m not going to get blamed for this. They understand that resisting a gorgeous woman who wastes no time taking off her clothes for you is impossible.
He stops seizing as soon as the EMTs on duty get here, and is slowly gaining consciousness.
“He’s breathing,” I tell them and get my shoes on, making room for them to get the gurney in.
“It’s never been this bad.” His wife mutters with a shaken breath.
“Jesus Christ, kid.” My Chief Officer, Creed, stands over me as I tie my shoe with that look of disappointment I’ve become accustomed to. “You really fucked up this time.” He takes in the room, noticing Gia bawling her eyes out on the bed in her underwear. Jonah’s bloody fist, and the hole in the wall.
“His wife said he went into epileptic shock.” I make sure the guys hear me as they get him strapped in.
Creed’s face snaps back to me.
“I didn’t know.” I throw my hands up and attempt to follow the guys out, but get stopped by Creed’s arm shooting out across my chest.
“I’m riding with you.” He holds me back from leaving.
I toss Gia’s dress at her from the floor as she leaves and pick up my boxers that were hidden beneath it.
“When are you going to grow up and stop this crap?” We file out of the room once it’s clear.
“I’m not taking shit for this.” I defend myself. “She set me up.”
“That doesn’t matter.” He struggles to pull himself up into my large SUV. “Married or not, when are you going to stop sleeping with women you don’t know? Did you even know her name?”
“I’m…” I pause to remember her name. “I’m pretty sure it was Gia.”
Creed shakes his head in more disappointment.
“You have one year left. Stay clean and get drafted. Do you think a team is going to want a troublesome kid with anger issues?” He’s been saying that for weeks. “Why didn’t you enter the draft last year? You could’ve gotten out of here then.”
“That’s if I get drafted,” I mutter under my breath, focusing on the road rather than the guy that’s been more of a father to me than my own dad.
“Why wouldn’t you? Is that why you didn’t enter?” He slaps my hand, resting on the clutch to answer him. “Are you chicken shit?”
“You know why I didn’t.” I move my hand away and tighten my grip on the steering wheel. Creed’s the only person who really knows what happens behind Mayor Terrance Pierce’s closed doors. “I can’t leave Mom alone with him.”
“You can, because you have to.” His fist hits my door. “How can you get her out of here if you have nothing? Get out. Make a name for yourself and then get her out. Until then, I’ll keep an eye on her.”
“You can’t make that promise.” If he could help us, he would’ve done it a long time ago.
We’ve gone to Creed for help before. He and mom were good friends back in the day, and we tried to hide out with him. It didn’t last long until my father was begging us to return with empty promises. That was before he became the Mayor. Before he became untouchable.
“I’ve tried,” he whispers under his breath. “You can’t do anything if you stay here and let this town suck you in.” Another punch at the inside of my passenger door. “Dammit Carter, I promised your mother I’d look after you and keep you out of trouble. It’s up to you now. Don’t let him ruin your life.”
Creed has always stepped in and been a father figure. He’s given me a place to hide out, and stopped me from spiraling out of control more times than I can count. He let me join the fire department against my father’s wishes, but that gave me a purpose and something to focus my energy on in the off season.
We pull into the firehouse parking lot, and I’m expected to follow Creed inside and let the guys razz me for getting caught with my pants down.