I’m not normally a big drinker. With so much to celebrate, I thought I’d drink more tonight, but Jocelyn’s doubts put me in a sour mood and I’ve barely touched the single drink I started this night off with.
“I heard it’s really supposed to snow tonight,” our sorority sister, Brianne, checks the weather app on her phone. She helps with our event planning and will take over for Jocelyn as the president once we graduate. “Should we cut our party short to make sure everyone gets back safely?”
Only the freshmen, and a couple of seniors who live off campus don’t live in the Beta sorority house.
“We can turn this into a sleepover if we need to,” I suggest. “We’d just have to pull together any extra blankets and pillows.”
We haven’t had a real snowstorm in years. The weatherman always calls for a chance of a blizzard and the most we get is three inches, but it’s better to be safe.
Jocelyn makes the final decision. “We give them the option to stay and can keep partying or they have to head home before getting caught in the storm.”
“We haven’t had more than a few inches of snowfall here since freshman year.” I put my melted frozen piña colada down on the counter once Brianne leaves us.
“True, but I don’t want to be responsible for any accidents if it does.” She sighs and sits down next to me. “We should really start cleaning up.”
“We should.”
Neither one of us makes any attempt to get up. Parties are fun, but the cleanup is the worst part.
“We should have invited the guys from the Hockey House over.” She smirks and does a slight shimmy of her shoulders.
“According to Luca, the guys are playing video games or have passed out. Coach Renan drilled them really hard today in case they have to cancel practice tomorrow.” I shrug, watching the other girls close up the karaoke machine we brought out.
“Willa,” Kylie, a sophomore, comes up and rubs my arm. She came late after visiting with her boyfriend, Alex, at the Hockey House but is already drunk after downing a few shots to catch up with the other girls. “I’m sorry to hear about you and Vic.”
Jocelyn leans out on the edge of her seat to listen.
“What do you mean?” I sit up straighter.
“Deeana said he broke up with you.” She pouts.
Jocelyn nearly falls out of her seat.
“No, he didn’t,” I snap at her.
Some of the girls wave and come to say goodbye, interrupting us.
“Kylie.” I stop her from going up to her room. “Why would Deeana say that?”
She shrugs and looks away to hide her face.
“Show her,” Danielle urges and eyes Kylie’s phone.
Kylie sighs and opens her phone, but Jocelyn grabs it before she can show me.
“That dick.” Her mouth drops open with a sharp gasp.
It can’t be true. I check my phone again and see the last message he sent me was twenty minutes ago.
Vic: I love you.
With a kissing face and a heart.
“It can’t be.” I shake my head.
Taking the phone from Jocelyn, I scroll through the damning pictures.
Deeana with all the guys in the cabin.