Gia, or whatever her name is, is a local here in Briar Creek Valley. The small town in the valley that houses Drexton Hall University that no one ever remembers the name of. Even the locals say they’re from Drexton Valley as if it’s a prestigious, world known city with fucking skyscrapers. But the only monuments are the ones built within the walls of the campus.
She’s older. I’d guess mid to late twenties. Or early thirties, but a woman's age never mattered. As long as they don’t expect more from me, and judging by the cut rate motel room Gia had me meet her in today, she’s not looking for me to buy her flowers after this.
“Oh, god,” Gia prays as she thrusts over me.
Praying to the only god she knows. The one that gets her out of her mundane life, in this dirty motel room, right outside the town she’s stuck in.
As much as I like a good ass, this position isn’t doing it for me. And the longer we go, the quicker I’m losing interest.
“You’re doing so good.” I flip her over onto her back and climb on top. “Let me get us to that goal, baby.”
I need to get this over with. No more fucking around. She needs to come so I can be on my way.
These women want to get as much of me as they can. Me and the other hockey gods they worship. The town builds us up with all their lost hopes when, really, we’re just a bunch of kids trying to follow our own dreams. The hockey boys from Drexton Hall, walking around the town like we own the place.
The entire town treats us like celebrities, because we are the best at this level. Stars and legends in the making on our way to greatness.
“Yes,” she moans, and curls her lip between her teeth as I reposition over her.
How long does she want to go for? At this rate, my dick will be too sore, and I won’t be able to finish.
I sit and push her knees up to get in deeper, ready to slam back into her to see how rough she can take it.
Hearing a soft click behind me, I pause and try to turn, but Gia digs her nails into my chin and turns my head back to look down at her.
“Yes,” she shouts. “Yes!” Her entire body convulses beneath me.
I’m good, but I’m not that fucking good. My cock isn’t even back inside her yet.
“What the fuck?” A man shouts from behind me, and I quickly cover my bare ass with the sheet. “Get the fuck off, my wife!”
You gotta be kidding me.
I quickly roll off Gia, or whoever the fuck she is, and grab my pants. She isn’t fazed at all.
“That’s what you get.” She shimmies into the mattress to get comfortable in the bed while grinning at her husband.
“I’ll kill you.” My pants are halfway up my legs when he comes flying after me.
I wish I could say it’s the first time I’ve been caught in this situation, but it’s the only time I’ve been blindsided. I usually get a warning when someone is married. A ring on a finger or a mention of a neglecting husband, but I had no idea what this woman was. If she told me, I’d still fuck her, but I would’ve been prepared for this guy coming at me to rip my head off.
He’s quick on his feet, but I’m faster and dodge him while looking for my shirt and boxers.
“Jonah,” Gia feebly tries to get her husband to stop. Sitting up on the bed, she’s frustrated that his attention is on me instead of her.
“Easy man.” I hold my hands up, knowing I have to grab my keys from behind him. “It’s not my fault your wife is a —”
I dodge Jonah’s right fist just in time, and he hits the wall behind me. Breaking through the sheetrock to make a fist sized crater for my head to go through next.
“Get the fuck out of here,” he shouts, trying to pull his hand out.
I carefully reach around, grabbing my shirt and keys. I’d love to fight this guy back, but I have a week of summer break left. The chief from the fire department, along with the coach from my team, are up my ass to stay out of trouble.
I back away for my quick exit, but I don’t make it too far.
Jonah gets his hand out, swiping it over his head before falling to the floor, shaking and convulsing with foam coming out of his mouth.