Fuck, I can’t fail this class.

My hood is up and the professor hasn’t picked his head up from the screen he's looking at yet. I find the first empty seat, slump down and shuffle in closer from the aisle to get covered by the guy in front of me.

Professor Dickweed tried to find out who I was after the incident to file a complaint. He got word I was a paramedic and contacted the fire department, but all he did was piss off my superiors and give the guys something else to razz me about. They couldn’t reprimand me for something I was doing while off duty that technically didn’t hurt anyone. I count the single lucky star I have that his wife never gave up my name. The squad and all the locals are loyal to me, so I was never worried he’d find out. Until now.

If he sees my face, he’ll know.

I need this class to graduate and it’s too late to switch out or withdraw.

“What are you doing?” Willa snaps in a hushed whisper next to me.

I move my seat so close that our legs brush. She shuffles hers further away as Professor Higgins introduces himself.

“Move over more.” I shuffle closer to get as hidden as possible. I’m not trying to get closer to Willa, but I can’t let him see me.

“Do you mind?” she hisses, glaring daggers at me.

“Scooch in.” I get as close as I can with my leg right up against hers to get her as uncomfortable as possible.

“No.” To my surprise, she slides closer to me to move her seat back to where it started. “I won’t be able to see.”

“Ms. Tomlin,” the professor calls out. “Is there a problem?”

“No.” She nods and smiles as I duck my head down, pretending to pick something up from the floor. Her face turns a deep red once he continues introducing himself and going over his credentials.

“Oh, I see.” I fix my hood and lean on my hand to look at Willa and keep my face out of view from the front. “You have the hots for our new professor.”

“Shh,” she shushes me. “I do not. Why are you hiding?”

“Because I had sex with his wife.”

Her face whips around to look at me. The short blonde strands fly around her head with her bright blue eyes bugging out from between them.

“Shh.” I press my finger to my lips for her to keep quiet.

I didn’t even know the woman was married. How was I supposed to know the guy would turn out to be my professor? No one could foresee this.

Professor Dickweed goes on and on about himself for most of the class, and I’m surprised I don’t fall asleep.

“Unfortunately, I don’t have access yet to update the portal. I printed out all my information and an update to the assignment. Please come and take one on your way out.”

Shit. I’m not sure how I’m going to pull off getting one of those without him seeing me.

Willa shakes her head at me, but if I beg her, she may let me copy hers. I hide between the mill of students to get out into the hall and wait off to the side for her to come out.

She stops at his desk and is talking to him for a while. He’s her coach, but she definitely has a little crush on him. He’s her type, too. Tall, dark hair, and dark eyes. Similar features to Vic, and coincidentally, myself. It’s also probably why his wife chose me to get back at him.

Professor Jonah Higgins looks young and fit. He probably has most of the female students pining over him.

Willa stops in front of me when she finally comes out and slaps a piece of paper to my chest.

“You got me one?” I grin at her, but she rolls her eyes.

“Don’t sit next to me. I don’t want to be associated with you when he finds out.” She stomps away. Willa doesn’t walk. She stomps with a purpose and determination.

I jog to catch up with her. “Thanks.”

“Please don’t mention it. I don’t want to be an accomplice.”