“It’s more than just sex.” I fiddle with my thumbs in front of me.

It’s late and we have practice in the morning, a practice and training, and then a game that starts the tournament to the Frozen Four. It’s going to be a long day.

“I’m not saying it isn’t.” Gentry shuts his light off. “Are you two an item yet or what? I heard you were inseparable at the banquet.”

Gentry is a junior and didn't have to attend the alumni banquet like I did.

“Who said that?” I snap at him.

“People talk.” He shifts to look at me. “It wasn’t anything bad, but there are rumors of you two hiding a secret relationship, but there will always be rumors no matter what you do.”

“We weren’t, but we are now,” I confess to him. I don’t want our relationship to be a secret. “Willa is my girlfriend. Start or stop any rumors you want.”

“Hey, I don’t start the rumors.” He sits up and fluffs his pillow. “But I’m happy for you. You finally gave in to your true feelings.”

“Don’t start that shit either.” I point at him, but he laughs at me.

“Congrats.” Gentry stops laughing. “You and Willa deserve to be happy. Especially after what she’s been through. Don’t screw this up.”

Willa deserves so much that I can only dream about giving her, but I won’t screw this up.

I’d give her everything if I could. I’d make her dreams of being on the Olympic hockey team a reality if I had any power to do so, but I’ll be here to help with everything she needs.

It’s only been six hours, and I’m desperate to see her again.

The rest of the team files in the locker room to get ready, but I stay behind and wait just to catch a glimpse.

Only when Willa walks in, I can’t contain myself. She’s in her usual practice attire, skin tight black leggings under a Drexton Hall Huskies sweatshirt, but she wears it with a confident determination as she stomps through the doors. Her short crimped blonde hair is pinned back in her usual two small braids to keep it off her face, and her large bag is slung over her shoulder.

Her face lights up when she sees me, and I’m only two steps away when I reach out to hold it in my hands. Pressing my lips against her as if I haven’t seen her in weeks.

Willa is a force. Fierce with a determination that sucks me in.

She pulls away quickly and looks down the empty hallway.

“I’m sorry.” I rub my hands along her long neck. “I couldn’t wait to see you.”

She bites her lip to stop the grin spreading over her face. Popping up on her toes, she gives me another chaste kiss.

“In the barn, I need to be professional.” She looks over my shoulder to check no one can see us in the arena hallway. “Do you think we can do that?”

“Yup,” I groan and drop my hands to my sides. “How professional are we talking?” I hold her hand as we walk back down the hall to where I was standing, unable to keep my hands to myself.

“Less PDA, but I think holding hands is ok.” She squeezes my hand and stops outside the locker room doors. “Go get ready so I can kick your butt into shape.”

“Mmm,” I hum. “That actually sounds nice.”

She rolls her eyes and playfully slaps my chest.

“Hey, now. That display is too affectionate for me.” I joke and make a show of fixing my pants.

Willa glares at me, but it doesn’t match the lift to her lips.

“I’ll see you out there, and I’ll be very professional,” I promise with a wink.

“Good.” She rises onto her toes and gives me a kiss on the cheek before turning away to go to the rink. I hold her hand a little longer, not wanting to let go. Just to see her turn back with a smile and spark in her eye before letting our hands drop.

They push us hard through drills and practice. And every time Willa blows that whistle, I want to rip it out of her mouth and replace it with my cock.