Carter leans in, kissing me softly and sending more of those hot chills through my body.
“Do you want to skate one more time around?” He holds the door open and guides me out once I slip my fleece back on.
“No.” I shake my head. “My legs feel like jello.”
Holding myself up while Carter railed into me took a lot of my leg strength. I have a lot more work cut out for me to get back to where I was physically.
“In that case...” With no warning, Carter scoops me into his arms to carry me to the exit across the way.
I squeal and clutch onto him while he laughs at me. He kisses me again as he sets me down on the players’ bench to take off my skates.
Not letting me do it myself, he drapes my legs over his and unties the laces before slipping them off my feet and slipping on my comfy winter boots.
There’s a silky warmth wrapping around me with the extra attention that he gives. He’s always taken care of me, putting my needs first, and never asking for anything in return.
“Carter,” I question him when he takes my bag with his and holds my hand to lead the way for our exit. “What are we?”
He squints back at me over his shoulder in the narrow hall.
“What do you mean?” He waits until we’re outside to answer. “We’re whatever you want us to be.”
He holds the door open for me to climb up into his passenger seat, and I wait until he climbs in on the other side. Taking my hand from my lap, he laces our fingers together.
“I know I’m not the best guy for you.” He clears his throat and continues the short drive to my house. “But I want to try to be. I would like to try.”
“You don’t have to try so hard.” I give his hand a squeeze. “You’re already a great guy, but I thought you didn’t want a girlfriend or anything serious.”
I never even considered the idea of being with Carter. It was always an impossibility. But now that the thought is there, it feels like we’ve always been together.
“I have a shitty life, Willa.” He squeezes my hand back and raises our entwined fingers to give my knuckles a kiss. “I can’t drag you into that, but I can keep you from it. If you don’t want to be my girlfriend, I’ll understand. I’ll take whatever I can get.”
He pulls to a stop along the curb just past my house because of the cars already parked in front of it.
“You don’t give yourself enough credit. You’re nothing like your father.” I take his other hand and hold them between us. “You’re not him, and…” I pause to think it over. Is this what I really want? Do I want to be Carter’s girlfriend?
I look back at my house. Jocelyn will be upset, but when she kissed him, it felt like I was being checked into the boards without any padding to protect the soul-crushing pain across my chest.
Carter is the first guy that ever made me feel really wanted. He’s the first person to support and encourage me. It’s so different from what I had with Vic, but it’s exactly what I need. It’s more than I ever thought I wanted.
I’m nervous about saying yes, but I’m more scared of what would happen if I say no.
He lifts his eyebrows, waiting for me to say it, hopeful that the answer is yes.
“I want to give us a try.” I nod and lean in to kiss him, pressing my lips to his full, soft mouth.
How could I doubt this? His lips feel like home. They belong to me.
“Yeah?” He smirks as I pull away. “I want to keep kissing and making love to you.” He eyes my packed house behind my shoulder.
“What happened to fucking my,” I swallow my pride to say the word in his voice, “pussy?”
“I can’t believe you said it,” he gasps dramatically.
“Shut up.” I lightly slap his chest.
“I don’t want to fuck you, Willa.” His deep russet eyes pull my attention with certainty. “I’m all in.”
I kiss him again.