She wiggled on Slengral’s tail, her pleasure shooting up rapidly with each thrust. She gasped in time with them, and the small breathless sounds were met by quiet hisses and grunts from her males. They nuzzled her, their humming songs vibrating through her, making her arousal drip from her sex and onto the tail filling her. Slengral’s breath fanned her pussy as the narrow tips of his tongues gently began to lash along her intimate folds. Kehtal trilled softly and mouthed her breast, brushing his sharp teeth against her without applying pressure that would cause her pain. His gentle “nips” followed along the soft skin of her under breast before enclosing around her nipple altogether. Lori’s hips shot up as she cried out yet again, driving Slengral’s tongues into her.
She didn’t know when he had coated his tongues with the juice, but another welcome icy shock exploded through her as they plunged into her. Her channel instinctively squeezed around them before a small wave broke through her, sending her juices over his tongues as a small climax snapped through her.
Her mates hummed with their pleasure, and the vibrations from Slengral’s mouth shook through her from her core. Lori clenched around him, savoring it until at last his tongues and tail simultaneously pulled free, leaving her quaking with the aftereffects of the release sweeping through her. His red eyes fastened on her, and for a moment, they held Seshana, the heavens, and the vast universe beyond that as she hung suspended in bliss, supported by Daskh's loving embrace and petted by her sweet Kehtal. It was only for the time it took to draw a breath and then he moved, his tail coiling around her with the speed of a serpent striking its prey. She was plunged into the darkness of a new fever that gripped her as her legs parted and fell wide, leaving her completely open as her mate’s pelvis slid into place. The girthier length of his primary cock slid against her sex, its multiple heads vibrating as it brushed against her, sending her spiraling into a new wave of pleasure.
One pass, then two, and finally third. He pressed home at last, opening her around his broad tip. He sank deep, deep enough that she arrived quickly at the thick bulge at the base, her channel squeezing around its length rapturously. They cried out together and her arms closed around him, drawing him in close as he rocked against her. Kehtal’s soft moan of excitement filled her ears as the smaller male quickly ducked out of the way. Daskh’s hiss of agreement was subtler, but there was nothing subtle about his extruded cock pressing against her back as Slengral’s tail wrapped around them both, pinning the large male to her. He gripped around Daskh, steadying himself with the larger male as he began to rock, his body writhing against hers in a continuous, sinuous motion that had her gasping and clinging to him as stars continued to burst within her one supernova at a time, building into a crescendo that broke loose, blinding her with white fire when his secondary cock suddenly slid home, coaxing its way in with a slick glide made possible from the mingled juices of the berry and her sex.
She groaned as it pierced her, her legs falling wider than before, encouraging her mate to pierce her deeper. His hiss of pleasure ricocheted through her as the pump of his hips grew in ferocity until he finally forced his bulge in, the thickness of it pressing so firmly against her inner bundle of nerves that her entire world combusted in an explosion of sensation as her climax roared through her. His cries of pleasure engulfed her, and she drifted into an inner world of sensation, his seed spilling into her with every pulse of his cock spraying from its multiple, writhing heads. His grip around her tightened as they drifted together in their pleasure, his wings beating the air frantically with the force of his own release, fanning cool air over her. Lori shivered with pleasure as the blasts over the cooling concoction slicking her skin sent a wonderful prickling through her as he quivered against her for a long moment before slowly—and reluctantly—pulling away.
A moan escaped her as his cocks pulled free, but she smiled, her heart brimming over with love as her mate brushed his cheek against hers in his silent declaration of adoration. His head moved and his mouth grazed hers, his tongues slicking against her lips in a silent request. He tasted of her musk, and she sighed against his mouth as she opened for him.
His tongues instantly sank between her lips and caressed gently along the flesh of her mouth and along her tongue. Lori pressed her chest against his, her fingers clinging to his gavo, but it wasn’t enough to hold him because he finally pulled back and untangled himself from her with a snap of his wings, propelling him back from her embrace. She gasped softly at his sudden absence, but a smaller warm body pressed immediately forward as Kehtal nuzzled her neck, his sweet hum falling over her like a waterfall. Each of her mates had such a distinct song and while Slengral’s rushed over her like a conquering tide, Kehtal’s lilted in an enticing way, drawing her up to meet him as his tongues stroked over her and his teeth delicately nipped at her skin. His body rubbed against her for a moment, his breath shuddering from him as he positioned himself, pressing his pelvis tightly against her pussy just as his cock bloomed from his body. His extruding shaft pushed deep and with abrupt force as he sank into her, his wings clasping around her shoulders.
Daskh grunted behind her as Kehtal’s wings slapped down aggressively as they sought to lock around her. The larger male snarled an expletive under his breath, but his grip around her tightened to keep her steady even as he noticeably leaned away from Kehtal’s flailing wings. Lori swallowed a laugh, but her merriment turned rapidly to liquid hot pleasure as Kehtal began to rock, lifting up from the weight of his tail coiled beneath him so that she slid forward and up before dropping down again on his cock, his angle striking entirely new places as he drew her up partially off Daskh so that she was balanced on his writhing tail. Her body, already primed by Slengral, rushed toward another climax, drenching her mate with her pheromones. Daskh growled behind her anew in reaction, but it was Kehtal’s soft gasp of pleasure that stole her heart completely even as her back arched as his tail shifted and he leaned back to coil around her, drawing her completely out of Daskh’s grasp, despite the snarl of protest from the male.
Straddled over him, Lori rocked forward, her eyes rolling back as her own weight pressed her folds against his textured scales. Her hips rolled with the undulation of his tail, her body rising and dropping as if being carried away on a tide as her orgasm built within her again. Kehtal’s tail coiled around her, tightening even as it adjusted its angle. She could feel the slick drag of his second cock against her skin as he worked his way downward only to stop suddenly when Daskh grabbed the male’s tail in one hand, stopping its descent. Kehtal garbled in protest, but Daskh ignored him as his large bulk suddenly snapped forward so that he was pressed directly behind her and over her. Lori moaned as his weight pushed her forward and Kehtal jerked beneath her at the sudden change of angle, his eyes fluttering rapidly as his cock briefly spasmed within her as she clenched around him.
She shivered with arousal as she felt Daskh’s cock rub against her ass, a fresh flood of heat awakening within her when he palmed her cheeks and spread them. Her ass and pussy clenched with excitement, and she rocked in quick, tiny motions against Kehtal, her clit rubbing against one of the ridges of his tail’s belly scales. Behind her, she could hear Daskh’s deeply drawn breath as he scented her pheromone release, and a throaty sound of need vibrated a deep bass within his hum. His tail slid over Kehtal, pinning him against the nest as he thrust up into Lori, filling her ass with a delicious burning stretch as his cock burrowed deeply within her. Her eyes fluttered with the pleasure bursting through her, her back going taut before a quaking release softened all her muscles with pleasure.
She dropped forward onto Kehtal’s chest and Daskh followed after her as he covered her, his powerful tail undulating, rocking her forward and drawing her back again with far greater strength than she could have managed on her own and Kehtal writhed in reaction beneath her, his tail pressing hard as he met her every stroke. Daskh’s secondary cock brushed his arm, but Kehtal barely seemed to notice it as he stared up at Lori with amber eyes warm with love and glassy with desire.
Lori moaned as she clung to Kehtal as her body was rocked between them. She was completely boneless with her pleasure as they rutted her between them, able to do nothing more than hold tight and stare at Daskh’s leaking cock as she rode Kehtal. Her tongue swiped over her bottom lip, though she smiled at Daskh’s obvious impatience as his thrusts grew harder and more demanding, as if he were trying to pull a climax right from her core and destroy her completely. She certainly didn’t object. It was all very satisfying to her. And she knew exactly how to show her appreciation.
“Give me your sants,” she rasped as she rested her weight against Kehtal completely and stretched her hands out for them.
Her mates’ tails writhed around her eagerly and Slengral chuckled somewhere at her right but she was far too distracted to pinpoint his location exactly. Especially not when two strong tails coiled around her arms, holding them out from her body and keeping her locked even more firmly between them as they drove their cocks faster into her. The cocks that filled her hands were slick with their own essence and already pulsing as the heads at their tips vibrated rapturously. Gasping and crying out with their every thrust, she worked their secondary cocks in her hands, gripping them and squeezing their lengths as she drove up their frenzy until they were writhing around her and plunging with complete abandon, their grunts becoming more audible, breaking their songs as they raced toward climax.
Drawing up one cock to her mouth and then the other, she alternately stroked and sucked them, reclaiming her power to pleasure them even as they sent round after round of pleasure tripping through her, sparking her blood until a torrential fire consumed her. Her climax leapt up from her belly as she contracted hard around the cocks buried in her, her cries of bliss echoing through their nest as her mates’ cock erupted in and over her. Stream after stream of cum spilled from them until they dropped into their nest in a tangle of Seshanamitesh tails as Slengral tucked himself around them.
A blissful smile tugged at her mouth as she lay cocooned within the bodies of her mates, snuggled within their embrace. Though she was stained emerald green and bore a closer resemblance to a she-hulk of popular twentieth and twenty-first century media than a meticulously groomed woman from the pleasure arts strata, her mates were quick to show her that they loved every bit of her in every way, undaunted by her sudden change in appearance. If any Seshanamitesh even thought of taking a single one of her mates from her, they would have one hell of a fight on their hands.
Chapter 17
Kehtal’s claws sifted through Lori’s green hair as he carefully parted out segments and began to wind them snuggly together in a braid. It was strange using a braiding technique he usually reserved for turning leather into cord on his female’s hair, but she seemed to like it. Her entire body was relaxed against his belly and nestled within his coils, conveying a peacefulness that he seldom experienced from his often-busy mate. From the angle he was reclined at behind her, he could even see the flutter of her eyelashes against her cheek, concealing her gaze behind her languid expression as she stroked her hand over Hashal’s gavo as the little male slumbered draped over her belly and thighs.
“All the washing I’ve done over the last couple of days hasn’t removed even a little bit of that color, has it?” she whispered.
Kehtal paused in his administration, caught in an unexpected dilemma as he searched covertly for his nest brothers. Was he to be honest or tell her a comforting lie? He was never certain which rules to follow and which to bend or break as needed. Daskh was far better at such things as the male always seemed to know the right things to say and how to frame things. Even Slengral, despite his tendency for a blunt delivery, possessed far more self-assurance and was generally unruffled if he incited their mate’s annoyance. As much as Kehtal could draw a smile from their mate whenever she had the tendency to brood, her question left him feeling uncertain and ill at ease enough that his stomach rolled sickly.
His mate’s fingers slid up his wrist and curled around his forearm, sending a warm ripple through him, drawing the tension from his muscles with her gentle touch. His head drooped and his wings quivered with the relief that burrowed deeper into his heart. Without even a word, she understood.
“It’s okay. Just tell me the truth. How bad is it?”
“It is... there is no change,” he reluctantly replied. “It does not look bad, which is a good thing because you may be stuck with it for a long time.”
Lori’s laughter rose in a soft chuckle, and she gave his forearm a pat. “I suspected as much. Thank you, Kehtal.” She sighed, turning her head so that her cheek rested against his chest. She rubbed her skin affectionately against his scales, and a warmth bloomed through his chest, radiating out from his hearts at the loving gesture. “It’s okay. I’m starting to become used to it, though I’m sure I will get plenty of looks when we return to the colony. If we return,” she added with a morose sigh that promptly had him dropping his hands from her hair to wrap his arms snugly around her, dragging her tight against his chest.
“We will return,” he assured her. “Slengral will not tolerate remaining here. But even in the unlikely chance that he capitulated to remain, I would find a way to return to the surface with you. You will not be trapped in the depths of the Aglatha. It is just for a little longer yet.”
His mate’s lips twisted in a grimace, one that he understood all too well for he wore that expression inwardly every day since they arrived within the heart of the shinara. He ran his claws through her hair again, putting light pressure against her scalp in a way that drew tension from her small body.
She groaned softly. “It can’t be soon enough for me.”
He paused in his ministration, his head cocking. “Do you wish to return to the surface now?”
She shook her head, her shoulders lifting with her heavy sigh. “No. I can’t do that. I know I signed on for this when I insisted that we all go. This is pretty close to literal hell for most humans—the feeling of being buried with no natural light outside of what is obtained from the bioluminescence provided. But the point remains that I can’t allow Slengral to face this all alone, especially when my absence can be misconstrued as an opening for the queen matriarch and the council of noble matriarchs to take control.” She gave him a wary glance. “They could, right? If he refused to mate, they could find a way to breed him like what was done to you by Darvel’s scientists?”
Kehtal’s gavo flattened, but he gave it a faint snap and inclined his head. “It is not ideal, but I would not put it past them, in the light of having no other option presented to them and without his mate’s legal protections in place, to have him imprisoned within the palace and restrained for the purpose of forced breeding. It does not typically happen within the shinara, but it is not entirely unheard of either. Once they were satisfied, they would likely release him—but many such males end up broken, and the stronger males seem to suffer the worse for it. It is unlikely he would even venture from the palace willingly at that point.”