And her text makes so much more sense now.
Still, I can’t stop staring. Neither can Luke as he shoots up from his chair at my entrance, those dark eyes trailing from my head to toe—no, devouring me. My heart spikes and my breathing stutters, trying to comprehend his presence and the pure magnetism that I’ve been absent from in…gosh, has it only been two weeks?
It feels longer. It’s my first time seeing him since our confrontation at my apartment door, where he was brimming with outrage and despair. But all I see now, aside from those devouring eyes, are the bags under them, the hollowness of his cheeks, the gauntness of his features.
Worry sweeps in. I take a step closer before I can think about it. “What’s wrong? Why do you look like that?”
He blinks. “Like what?”
“Like you haven’t gotten any sleep and…”
I trail off when his jaw clenches and his muscles tense, disbelief sparking on his face. “You really have to ask?” A short laugh comes out, jolting my stomach before he’s back with that look of despair. “Liv…”
I can’t do this again. I can’t be faced with that Luke and not give in this time—not when I’m already feeling this vulnerable at just one look. I clear my throat.
“What are you doing here? Why is Jen saying that you’re my client?”
Luke searches my gaze. I brace for his accusations and questions like before but am surprised when his expression suddenly clears. Then he nods briskly.
“Because I am. One of, anyway, from what I heard. Congratulations on your other clients.”
Oh. Is this going where I think it’s going?
“Thanks. So…you’re here for a commission?”
He nods again. “Yes, I am.”
Oh. It is going where I think it’s going. I should be relieved.
So why the hell am I disappointed?
Just get through this. Keep calm.
I swallow my heartache and dry throat, and any expectation that this is something else until my professional mode can come out and take over. I stick to it like a burr, desperate to just get this over with.
“Right. Of course.”
“I need several paintings to lighten up my building.” His voice is no-nonsense. “You’ve been there. It’s all white and sterile, and I want to change it. Make it more colorful, lively…welcoming.”
“I see.” A memory of me and Riley visiting comes to mind before I block it and focus on what he’s talking about. I even envision it in my head. “What’s the plan?”
“Huge paintings lining up the lobby walls. Then, more muted paintings lining up the inside offices, including the customer service and lab section to cheer my employees up.”
I’m not going to lie. The more I envision it, the more it excites me to do something about it—to make a change to his company interior and bring it to life. I think it over before I finally nod.
“We can do that. Timeframe?”
“Within a year, hopefully. But we can discuss lengthening that timeframe. I don’t mind at all.”
A softness caresses his words, making me shiver. But it must be my imagination because he still looks no-nonsense.
But more time with Luke? While not getting to be anything more than business associates?
I mind. I really mind.
But I also have to get through this with grace. For Riley. For myself.