“Why wouldn’t I be? Golf yesterday was so much fun.”
“It was, but how come I’m not in such a good mood?”
“Well, I just got a promotion.”
“Oh, wow, Mark, I didn’t know. Congratulations.”
“Thanks.” There’s a hum. Then Mark clears his throat. “And just between us, there’s one more cause for my good mood.”
“What is it?”
“I finally got a snotty bitch knocked down from her pedestal—one who’s been looking down her little nose at me since she met me.”
“What? Who?”
Mark chuckles. “You don’t have to know. Let’s just say she pretends to be this little angel when all she’s really doing is spreading her legs like a whore?—”
Black coats my vision, comprehension dawning slowly. I’m already rounding the corner, but I stop when I hear a howl of protest and Maria’s apologetic voice. But her tone doesn’t match the vengeful look in her eyes.
“Oh! I’m so sorry, Dr. Reynolds. The cup got out of my hands by accident.”
Said cup is on the floor while water dampens Mark’s trousers—hot water. He glares at Maria, but Wanda abruptly places herself in between them.
“Such clumsy hands, Maria.” Wanda takes Maria’s shoulders and turns her away from the two men, then offers Mark a thin smile. “Sorry about that, Dr. Reynolds. I hope your crotch doesn’t burn.”
Yet her voice sounds like she wants the man to burn in hell—which means I’m not imagining what I heard, no matter how subtle Mark tried to place it. Holy shit.
Wanda ushers Maria away…and meets my gaze. Then her gaze flicks toward my hands before she practically drags her friend out of the lounge. Realization washes over me that my hands are fisted and I’m seconds away from going in there and punching Mark. No, not just punching, but messing him up so badly that his face won’t be recognizable by the time I’m done.
But the truth hits me harder, flooding me back with the memory of my last encounter with Olivia…of the questions I had that are now answered. In full fucking color. Because it’s not confusing at all, not anymore.
She didn’t break up with me because she didn’t want me. I’m sure of it now.
And I’m about to find out more.
I still want to mess Mark up. I’m almost blinded by it. But I know that will just get me in trouble, and I want to be in a position where I have leverage more than trouble.
So I turn around, putting as much space between me and the asshole as my brain scrambles a mile a minute. I call Kyle to ask him to continue covering for me after the surgery today.
Then I call James’s medical assistant, determined to get to the bottom of where he is—and the answers that I need.
Chapter 27
“Mom, will Dad no longer come over to spend the night?”
I’ve been waiting for Riley to ask that question and the day has finally come. I close my eyes briefly, gathering strength behind my lids before I open them and face her curiosity. There’s no sadness there—thankfully, because Luke has been doing his best to call her whenever he can and assure her how excited he is over their next playdate.
And me?
Let’s just say I’ve been trying not to listen in and hear his voice because hearing his voice sends a deep ache inside me that practically turns me inconsolable. Especially at night.
But Riley’s no fool. We might be shielding her as much as we can, but she still picks up on things, much like she picked up on Luke being her father before we were even ready to tell her. She studies me now, waiting for my response and probably prepared with more questions.
“I’m afraid he’s very busy lately, sweetie, so he might not spend the night here as much. Or at all. But you can spend the night at his place when he’s free. I’m sure he would love that.”
And it’s the most I can give him after…everything. I’m still not over the broken look he gave me when I told him I wanted nothing to do with him anymore. Hell, I’m still not over a lot of things.