
She turns to me and smiles. “Then it’s a lovely surprise. I love places like this! It’s perfect for an artist to appreciate other artists.”

I nod and remain silent while I usher her inside, where we immediately gravitate toward their most popular areas. As expected, she absorbs every piece of information like a sponge, then lingers in some areas to scrutinize whatever catches her eye the most. When we end up in a risqué sculpture gallery with the sculptures mostly naked and some in questionable positions, she makes appreciative noises.

“The quality of the craftsmanship…it’s insane. I’ve always been fascinated with sculptures and have considered taking it up, but it’s so time-consuming and I just don’t have the time. I know some people can’t just stop and start whenever they feel like it. It consumes them, and I have a feeling it’s the same process for me.”

I had no idea she felt that way about sculptures, so I rub a hand over her back.

“You’ll never know until you try. Why not start on a small sculpture? Something as basic as an animal? I’m not saying basic is easy, but…”

She purses her lips. “I’ll consider it…in the future. Not now, though. I’m happy with the mediums I’m using and want to keep improving on them. But maybe when I have more time, I’ll add some animals to the mix. Who knows? Maybe Riley will enjoy sculpting, too.”

My nerves thrum again at the mention of her favorite mediums, but I tuck it in and take her hand. “Come on. Let’s move to the next gallery.”

She shoots me a teasing look. “Why? Is it as erotic as this one? It’s a good thing we didn’t schedule this visit in one of Riley’s playdates.”

“We can come back with her, but without viewing that gallery. Anyway, I think you’ll like this next area.”

I hope. I really fucking hope because if she doesn’t...

Olivia keeps teasing me until we reach the next area, where paintings cover the walls, similar to the setup in her art room. But this one space is bigger and wider, housing more paintings, and the ongoing theme tugs a gasp out of her.

“Oh, my. They have a garden art room? This is so neat!”

I bite back a smile, reminded of Riley’s enthusiasm as Olivia’s giddiness picks up along with her steps. But I hang back a bit, the tension knotting my muscles as she tries to take in everything at once…that is, until her gaze finally lands on one painting.

Silence ensues. Unable to stand it, I clear my throat.

“This was the surprise.”

“This…Luke, this is my painting.”

Puzzled eyes meet mine. I shake my head. “No, it’s a replica, just like in your online portfolio, since the original’s in your house. They’re all replicas.”

“All?” Then she looks further and her puzzlement turns into astonishment. “Oh…oh. How…?”

Understanding what she’s trying to ask, I gesture. “I know the museum owner. She’s a good friend of mine, actually, and I recently met up with her and her husband to discuss a property I’ve been eyeing in the city. I thought it was a good idea to show her your online stuff since she’s really into art, and I’m not lying when I tell you that she got so excited over them and kept telling me how they would be perfect for her gallery.”

Silence. The apprehension is killing me, wondering if she thinks I crossed a boundary. Maybe I did and didn’t realize it.

Did I cross a boundary? In my increasing horror, I prattle on.

“So this is the other idea—to place the art replica here to blend with the theme, so people will appreciate them and get interested. Then they will ask questions and my friend can direct them to your online portfolio, where they can find your other stuff, too.”


Is she angry? Is she offended? Why the hell can’t I tell?

I’m sweating bullets and I never sweat like this. Like an idiot, I keep charging with something akin to panic.

“Listen, I swear I didn’t mean to step on your privacy when I attempted this. And I’m not trying to show off my connections to you or something like that. I’m definitely not looking down on your paintings by offering this opportunity…”

Shit. I’m messing this up. I close my eyes and gather my panic, then exhale loudly.

Before I can speak, though, Olivia cuts in.

“I never thought you looked down on my paintings. The first time you visited my art room says enough about your appreciation, but this…it’s too much.”