I clear my throat. “Oh. Thanks.”

I wait for a third option: his room and his bed. Disappointment courses through me when that option isn’t given, but I’m more concerned about his serious look.


Silence, then?—

“She’s right, you know.”

Belatedly, I realize he’s talking about Carol. I scowl.

“Luke, she cheated on you.”

“Because I made her do so.”


“Luke…what do you mean?”

There’s more silence, and I now notice how tense his shoulders are. It’s like he’s building up to something big, and instinct tells me not to interrupt.

When he finally does speak, it’s like a storm taking over.

“All she said about me prioritizing work and neglecting other things, including my marriage, is true. I was so obsessed with work and being successful on my own terms that I didn’t make time for her anymore—and when I say no time, I mean I barely saw her in a week. My success was so important to me that I forgot spending quality time with my wife was important, too, which led to her loneliness…which led to her finding comfort somewhere else. Because I was never there.”


Dark eyes gaze at me with so much pain—and so much guilt.

“She may have hurt me, Liv, but I hurt her first.”

Chapter 20


Istand in silence, the words that spilled out of me hanging between us like a cloud. I could have kept it in and continued the easygoing flow with Olivia, but it’s unfair. I’ve been unfair to Carol, too, putting all the blame on her shoulders, and I guess I don’t want to be unfair to Olivia and repeat the same mistake.

I brace myself for her judgment—for the shift from compassion to disgust, for her to step back from whatever this is between us. It will hurt like hell, but it’s something I have to accept once I show her the real me…

“People change.”

The quiet statement has confusion settling in as I search her gaze and realize there’s no disgust.


I still wait for it to come, but instead, Olivia steps forward and reaches out to cup my cheek.

“Just because you were like that before doesn’t mean you’re like that now.” Her thumb traces my cheek, a soft movement that leaves me breathless—and vulnerable. “So she doesn’t have any right to judge you now.”


“Listen, I wasn’t kidding about what I said earlier. The Luke she had with her is none of my business and will never be. But the Luke I know now, the one I got to know both in the hospital and outside…” Her hand moves from my cheek to my chest, my heart beating wildly. “He’s a good father—the kind who makes time for Riley and does his best to make her happy. He spends so much quality time with her and makes her feel special, making up for lost time in more ways than one.”

Every word soothes me like a balm, but I can’t help but want more. “And you?”

“You respect my wishes and my competence, and you treat me fairly in our work environment.”

“And personally?” My hand clasps the one on my chest, my tone turning demanding.