She shrugs. “Because it’s not in his genes. Or his personality. It may seem perfect for you guys now, but pretty soon, he will neglect you and the kid because only one thing matters to Luke in the long run: his career. It will always come first and you’ll just be left disappointed.”
There’s still that hint of bitterness from earlier, but why does it feel like she’s trying to be sincere to me? I can’t tell if it’s real or fake because I don’t know her that well. But I do know I’m angry on Luke’s behalf, and it’s that anger that finally sparks me to speak.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that. But I don’t think it’s fair that you’re judging him when you haven’t even seen him in years. I know he’s not perfect, but no one is. Your past with him is none of my business and my daughter’s future with him is none of yours. Have a good day and let’s not bump into each other again.”
I step aside and out of her way, braced for her to call me back or yell something insulting. She does neither. My steps falter when I spot Luke beside the door leading outside as if he followed me and only stopped when he heard us talking.
Angrier now that he had to hear all of that, I transfer some of the drinks to him so I can free one hand and take his. Then I tug it.
“Let’s go.”
Luke follows me without a word, much to my relief. Again, I wait for his ex to confront us, but she never does, and I hope it means I got my point across and she won’t bother him again. Still, some of our good mood from earlier has already been ruined.
“Do you want to go home, Liv? Skip the rest of the party?”
I mull it over. Then I shake my head. “No. Riley’s still having fun.”
Luke tightens his hold on my hand and squeezes it, a wordless way of telling me that he will support my decision. It strengthens my resolve. It makes me not care anymore about Luke holding me close, either, or what the others have to say about it.
To hell with them. To hell with Carol.
We’re here to have some fun, especially Riley, and I’m determined to keep it that way.
And to protect Luke.
The ride home is silent. Riley’s knocked out on the backseat while Luke looks straight ahead, his hands tight on the steering wheel and his thoughts probably heavy. While we tried our best to have fun for the rest of the party, there was still that lingering awareness that someone was watching our every move—and it doesn’t take two guesses to know who our watcher was.
At least Carol didn’t approach us anymore and had the good sense not to approach Riley, either. Just like that, my thoughts are back to my conversation with her, which I’ve been replaying from time to time and can’t help nitpicking. I know she must feel like a woman scorned after Luke showed up with me and Riley at the party, but that sincere tone…
Why would she try to warn me? What is she trying to accomplish? Is it a ruse to make me distance myself so she can make a move on Luke?
The conversation I overheard between them didn’t sound like her trying to get him back, but it’s not like I heard the rest. Thankfully, we’re back in Luke’s mansion before my thoughts drive me crazy, and I jump on to the next task at hand.
“I’ll carry Riley to her bedroom.”
“I can do that, Liv.”
“It’s fine. I’ll do it. She’s light.”
He doesn’t protest. I take Riley upstairs, who wakes up when I ease her into bed and reaches out for me. Adam was kind enough to lend us his bathroom so we could shower and change ahead, and now I sink into the bed with her and let her wrap her tiny arms around me.
“Mom, are we home?”
It’s a loaded question, but I remember the way Luke welcomed her here and nod. “Yes, honey, we are. Did you have fun earlier?”
“A lot. Can we go back to Uncle Adam’s house next time?”
That’s all she needs to hear to return to sleep. When her breathing is more even, I slowly slip out of her grasp and out of the bedroom. A squeak comes out when I find Luke standing outside the door as if he’s been waiting for me all along.
“Jeez, Luke. That’s twice today. Stop sneaking up on me.”
I wait for him to smile at my teasing, but he doesn’t. Instead, his tone is serious.
“Your room is here, the one beside Riley. Or you can sleep with her if you want.”