She scowls. “You dare to bring someone else here? Seriously?”
“You’re the one who can’t be serious.” I scowl back. “You shamelessly brought your date here to a party you know my friend is hosting?—”
“Adam is my friend, too?—”
“—and you are the one outraged that I brought a date?”
I expect her to be even more angry that I called her out. But to my shock, her indignation shifts into something else entirely: her face crumbling and tears shining in her eyes, though they don’t fall yet. When Carol finally responds, her voice is soft.
“She’s your child, isn’t she? That little girl?”
Because I don’t ever want to deny my child’s existence, no matter how unintentional, I answer honestly.
“Yes. She’s my daughter.”
“Yet you never had one with me.”
Stupefaction slams hard at her words, then at her expression. My mind reels and my body…it’s frozen on the spot as I can only stare at her.
The woman who showed no remorse when she cheated on me and left me?
The woman who didn’t bother to contact me throughout the years after that?
She looks hurt now. Genuinely hurt.
And I don’t know what to do with it.
Chapter 19
I’m beside myself as soon as Luke takes his ex somewhere more private, aware that she saw me and Riley—and that Luke took her out of the equation to spare me, especially Riley, the embarrassment of a confrontation. But being aware of it doesn’t ease my worry, and I find myself glancing at Adam from time to time. He’s busy trying to distract his guests, so I try my best to focus on distracting Riley.
It’s easier said than done, though, especially when Riley keeps asking where her dad went.
“I don’t know where he went, sweetie. But he saw an old friend, so they’re probably catching up.”
It’s the best answer I can come up with.
After a while, Nila approaches us. “Hey, does Riley want to get back in the pool with me? I got some snacks in this little floating tray and we can just eat in the shallow area.”
I hesitate. “Well…”
Nila leans closer. “Listen, I don’t know what the story is, but I know you came here with Luke and that woman seems like a vengeful ex or something. Trust me, I’ve been there and it’s not nice. Let me take care of Riley while you handle that. I don’t mind.”
I don’t know why, but I can tell she’s trying to be a supportive friend and not just doing this to get some gossip out of me. Maybe it’s how she also didn’t pry much about my personal relationships when we were chatting in the pool. The feeling of kinship surges and I smile at her.
“If you’re sure…”
“Positive.” Nila stretches out a hand and beams at Riley. “Riley, want some snacks? I have a surprise for you in the pool.”
“Can I go, Mom?”
“Sure, honey.”