“The Hamptons. I have a house there. It’s private so there will be no one from the hospital who might see us. And it’s peaceful and quiet.”

Holy shit. Every time I forget just how rich this man is, he reminds me with invitations like this. I open my mouth, about to decline before I realize…why exactly am I declining?

I can use some unwinding. Luke probably needs it, too.

And Riley? She will go anywhere her mom or dad goes.

My no turns into a smile. “Sounds intriguing. We’re in.”

Chapter 18


Idon’t know why I’m nervous about showing off my property in the Hamptons when I’ve been showing it off for as long as I can remember. But then again, I’ve been showing it off to childhood friends who have properties sprinkled around the area and are used to this kind of lifestyle. And I’ve never taken my dates here, deeming them too casual to bring somewhere this personal.

Olivia and Riley are a different matter because…well, they’re different. I can sense their awe the moment I give them a tour of the mansion, with Riley bouncing around with barely-contained energy and Olivia acting more subdued. When I finally show Riley her bedroom, her face lights up and she runs into my arms so I can lift her in the air.

“This is so neat! I get this room for the weekend?”

I bite back a grin and nuzzle her neck. “Yes, sweetie. It’s yours for the weekend. And it’s officially yours whenever we visit this place.”

I brace for Olivia’s warning look for promising things like that, but she’s fighting back a grin, too. When Riley pulls away from me to check the bed closer, Olivia leans her head against my shoulder.

“Luke, what did I say about spoiling her?”

I smirk. “Don’t deny that you don’t enjoy the way she lights up.”

And she can’t deny it. I know it makes her happy, too. I can feel it in her relaxed form as we watch Riley explore the room with her childlike curiosity before she eventually gets bored and returns to us.

“Are we going out today?”

I nod. “Yup. Do you have your swimsuit ready?”

Riley’s eyes widen. “Why?”

“Because after we explore the area, I was thinking of visiting a friend’s party. He has a nice pool that I think you would like. Or we could even check out the beach before that.”

Riley doesn’t need more than the word pool to get her going, opening her suitcase and whining to her mom that she doesn’t know where her swimsuits are. Olivia, always patient, sits down with her and helps her out. I get ready, too, before the three of us meet up downstairs and head to my car.

“All strapped and ready, girls?”

There’s a resounding yes. Minutes later, I drive us around my property, then the main road where most of the tourist shops and establishments are, to get them acquainted and get some food. Afterward, we park the car and walk down the beachfront, where Riley doesn’t waste time playing in the sand.

I get worried when she nears the water, but Olivia hollers.

“Just up to your ankles, Riley!” Then she nods reassuringly as if she can tell what I’m thinking. “She knows how to swim, by the way. I took her to lessons when she was around four, but those waves…”

“Yeah. She’ll enjoy the pool better.”

We set up a picnic blanket on the sand, and then the basket with the food we purchased earlier. To my relief, Riley stays mostly on the sand, becoming occupied with building a sandcastle while the waves roar in front of her. I set the food out and look up in time to see Olivia watching me.


Her eyes twinkle. “You’re starting to spoil me, too.”

It’s meant to be a joke, but the way she looks at me softens me up. I sit back beside her, creating a space for her to lean into. We call Riley back seconds later, and the three of us share the meal of grapes, cheese, and the pizza that Riley requested.

After, we stroll some more, then eventually head back to the car and drive off.