I nod. “Yeah. For when the software has some technical problems and someone has questions about how to use the device.”
Henry shakes their hands, including Riley’s. A seasoned veteran of life, he’s friendly, outgoing, and pretty much will shake anyone’s hand, which makes him perfect for his department. “Pleased to meet you both. Luke hasn’t brought a lot of guests here, so it’s good to see some new faces. Are you customers of the product? Or perhaps you’re a new member of the team?” He beams at Riley. “And who’s this sweetheart?”
I look at Olivia, unsure how to play this. But before I can answer, Riley speaks first.
“I’m Luke’s daughter.”
It’s like a bomb dropping—at least, it feels that way to me and Olivia, if her wide eyes and stupefied expression are any indication. My head whips toward Riley, who is smiling at Henry, with Henry eyeing her curiously.
“You are?”
She nods. “Luke is my dad.” Then she turns to me. “You’re my dad, aren’t you?”
Color me stunned and rendered speechless. It takes me a while to recover, but Henry either doesn’t mind or is trying to help me out as he laughs.
“My, my, isn’t this a lovely surprise? I’ve never met his family in all my years working here—and that is a lot of years—but I’m happy to hear the ruthless businessman we all know has a family of his own.” Henry shakes his head. “It’s a pity for the others, though, now that he’s no longer an eligible bachelor.”
He means it in jest, but I can already tell the problems it will cause if the news spreads. Subtly, I nudge Henry in a corner while Olivia keeps Riley distracted. Then I tell him a short version without revealing my relationship with Olivia and am relieved when he agrees to keep it on the down low.
When I return to Olivia and Riley, the former sends me a concerned look.
“Will he tell?”
I shake my head. “No. He’s been with me since this company started and has kept my trade secrets. He won’t blab about this one.”
She still looks uncertain, but my focus is now on Riley. I stare at the girl, noting the curiosity in her green eyes. Shock is still ringing inside me when I kneel to match her height.
“Riley…how did you know?”
Olivia watches, also waiting. Riley shrugs.
“I heard you and Mom talking about it. And that you wanted to tell me at the right time. You’re my dad, right?”
The casual way she says it leaves me speechless again, but this time, I recover faster. One more glance at Olivia confirms my answer, the one I’ve been wanting to tell her for a long time now.
“Yes, honey. I’m your dad.”
She brightens, seemingly pleased with that. Her expression echoes deep inside me. “Is this the right time, then?”
Oh, this girl. I nod. “It’s the perfect time.” Then, because I can’t help it anymore, I clear my throat. “Can I hug you, Riley?”
Her silence hits me with the fear of rejection. Then she opens her arms and steps into my outstretched ones, her tiny hands grab tightly as she buries her head against my neck. My heart pitter-patters, then practically explodes when she giggles, the sound soft and excited.
“Luke, you smell strong.”
“Like soap. Not the one mom uses.”
I lean back a bit. “Do you hate it?”
She considers it, then shakes her head and snuggles against me again. “I like it. It’s different.”
Every sigh and cling of those tiny hands unravels me like never before until I’m nothing but putty in her arms…hell, until I’m ready to promise her the moon and the stars. I’m about to tell her that, too, but one glance at Olivia tells me there will be consequences.
“Luke, can we get strawberry shortcake ice cream, too?”
Olivia raises a brow, amusement flashing on her face and indicating that this is the consequence she’s thinking about. I grin and shake my head.