Luke glances at me. “Done what?”

“Spoiled her. Now she’s going to ask for that ice cream all the time.”

I’m startled when his smile warms as if the idea alone makes him giddy. Butterflies flutter in my belly at the look. “Then I’m going to keep asking Mrs. Simmons to make pints of them. I’ll have it delivered to your house regularly.”

Oh, this man…he’s really trying. I know he’s showing off his wealth, too, but the sincerity of him doing this for Riley makes me reluctantly accept his presence more in our lives.

After lunch and dessert, the sugar rush hits Riley and she’s a bundle of energy just bouncing around. Since she only gets to eat that much sugar on rare occasions, I let her be and wait for what else Luke has up his sleeve—which happens to be a lot.

“I got some board games if you’re into that, Riley. And I also got some more movies. Which ones do you want to try out today?”

I raise a brow but don’t comment when Riley chooses a board game and I’m encouraged to participate. We spend the afternoon playing one board game after another until Riley gets bored and wants to do something else. Of course, Luke’s ready for that, too.

“How about dancing?”

Riley blinks. “Dancing?”

Luke nods, then chooses from a selection of music before a fast song plays and fills the large living room. He takes Riley to the center, with enough space for a makeshift dance floor.

Astonishment spreads over me when the two start dancing—and when I say dancing, I mean their limbs flailing about and not following the rhythm. It’s such a far cry from the formal, no-nonsense Luke I interact with in the hospital that I can only stare at him, mesmerized and, yes, liking this new facet he’s revealing. I suppose it’s similar to his vibe at the bar, too, when it was just us and we were free to be ourselves with each other.

This is Luke, the real Luke. I’m not saying the hospital Luke is a fraud, but this Luke is the side of him that he only shows to selected people: carefree, laid-back, and teasing his loved ones. Riley giggles as he makes joke after joke, her eyes shining with so much affection that I know these two will love each other in no time.

Perhaps they already do. My heart aches with conflict before the conflict eases and I become happy that someone else gets to love Riley as much as I do.

When the sun sets, Luke lights up his fireplace while Riley wanders over to the couch and collapses over the pillows. She closes her eyes and dozes off while the music turns slow. I wait for Luke to call it a day, but instead, he approaches and offers me his hand.

I look at it, hesitate, then take it. I ignore the electric charge humming through our joined hands, wondering why I’m doing this. Maybe it’s the few glasses of wine loosening me up, though I’m not tipsy at all.

Hands positioned over my waist, gently urging me to sway to the slow beat. My pulse beats with it. I swallow and stare at his chest, then look away because it’s too…broad.

“This is your fault.”

“What’s my fault, Liv?”

The tension. The effect it has on me.

I shoot him an accusing look. “I don’t think I can go back to eating regular pizza.”

Luke’s lips quirk, drawing my gaze there. Then I look away again.

“I see. What else is my fault?”

“Your dancing.”

He gasps, pretending to be offended. “What about my dancing?”

This time, I grin. “I won’t be able to work with you without imagining that awkward dancing of yours.”

“Hey. That was a unique kind of dancing.” He sighs softly. “Riley dances the same way.”

Just like that, I soften when I remember how much fun they were having. “She does. You’re better at this type of dancing.”

“That’s because I dance like this during some functions. Not like the way I danced earlier. Imagine me dancing like that at a formal event.”

I giggle and get surprised at my reaction. He laughs a bit, too, then draws me closer, and I don’t have it in me to protest when it feels so comfortable.

“You dance well, too, Liv.”