“Sweet! See you next time, Luke.”

They climb the stairs and murmur to each other while I take the glasses and plates to the kitchen to wash them up. I get lost in the rhythm, replaying how the day went and liking the progress. If we go out on more playdates, will I finally get closer to Riley?

And will I finally get to hug her?

“I was going to do that.”

I turn to find Olivia already downstairs looking at me. I shrug and place the dishes on a drying rack, then look back at her. There’s no animosity from her, but despite the light teasing earlier, I can tell she’s still pretty wary of me.

“I feel bad.”

Olivia tilts her head, mulling over my words. “Why?”

“For missing out on her growing years. For not trying harder to seek you out.”

She gives me a pointed look. “You said you sought me out.”

“I did.”

“Then maybe that was just fate working against us. Besides, it’s probably time we stop dwelling over the past.”

She’s right, but I can’t help it. I wish I was there for the sleepless nights and Riley’s firsts: first words, first walk, first smile. It’s a regret I’ll never be able to erase, but I sigh and give Olivia a determined look.

“I want another playdate. Please. I want to get to know her more.”

“Of course. We already agreed.”


Olivia shakes her head. “Next weekend. I told you…we regulate it. Minimal playdates for now, then more when she’s well-adjusted to your presence.”

My jaw clenches, but I nod, understanding our agreement. I approach her, wanting her to know that I’m not the enemy in this.

“Next weekend sounds good. Thank you for giving me this chance.”

Guilt glints in her features. “You’re her father, Luke. I should have given you a chance sooner.”

I nod, unsure what to say. My gaze snags at her shirt, the top portion sliding off one shoulder to reveal more of her smooth skin. Without thinking, I reach out and pull it up, my fingers lingering…wanting to slide the shirt down so I can kiss her shoulder.

Her breath hitches and her eyes darken. Then she hisses and sidesteps until my hand drops from her shoulder.

“Don’t do that, Luke.”

“Do what?”

“You know what.” She glowers, then takes a deep breath until she’s steadier. I have a second to feel satisfied before I’m blasted with her next words. “Just because you have a right to see Riley doesn’t mean you have a right to me as well. We’re not a package deal.”

My eyes widen. “Who said I thought of you that way?”

She shakes her head. “Whatever attraction we feel for each other…it shouldn’t interfere with this bond you’re forming with Riley. Besides, attraction goes away.”

Does she seriously believe our attraction for each other will go away anytime soon? It’s been six years…no, seven years and it’s still here. Stronger than ever, in fact, if the way we respond to each other is any indication.

But I won’t force Olivia to try to acknowledge it, not when Riley is on the line. Perhaps this is another way of not dwelling on the past. Unbidden, an image of Olivia sitting and laughing with Mark comes to my senses.

And hell, I’m jealous. It’s a heavy feeling that I’ve been nursing since I first saw them together. I know Mark’s a playboy, but despite my warning to her, there’s still the off-chance that the guy will fall in love with her and snatch her up.

It’s not impossible. And there’s nothing I can do about it.