My stomach sinks. “I’m sorry, Liv. I apologize for?—”
“No, you misunderstand. When I say it’s too much, I mean it’s everything. I love it.”
Her tone…it’s not angry. It’s not offended. She sounds happy.
I look at her—really look at her, my blurred vision clearing as my panic clears, too. I can’t believe I missed the smile on her lips and the twinkle in her eyes, so warm and meant just for me.
“You love it?”
She nods, her smile widening. She takes my hand and squeezes it, a quiet assurance filled with excitement. “Yes. I love it. I’ve always been happy selling my stuff online, but seeing it in a museum along with other paintings, even if it’s just a replica, it’s amazing. I didn’t realize how amazing until I saw it with my own eyes, and I have you to thank for that. So, thank you.”
She kisses my cheek. There’s a shyness to her now that’s so endearing, but I don’t want that. A giggle escapes her lips when I wrap my arm around her waist and tug her closer, drawing her out of that shyness and into a more open affection toward me.
Yeah, I’m an ass who doesn’t want the praise, but I want the hug she gives me and the next kiss. Our third kiss is on the mouth, lips fusing and bodies softening to each other as we move closer. She breaks away from the kiss first, still giddy and with a note of hopefulness.
And I bask in everything: that hopefulness, her joy, and the contagiously positive aura she exudes.
“You’re more than welcome, baby.”
“Can we re-enter this area? I kind of want to see it with new eyes now that I know my art pieces are on display here.”
I chuckle at her request and take her hand this time, already pulling her back to the entrance. Then, I give her space and let her enter first, following at a distance to let her enjoy her moment at her pace. Those critical eyes take everything in again, and I do the same, but from a casual watcher’s perspective.
And one thing is very clear to me.
“Your talent is insane, Liv. I don’t think you know that.”
She smiles at me. “I mean, I have to have something to be able to paint and sketch to begin with.”
But I shake my head, wanting her to understand. “No. I mean, your talent is insane. It’s beyond excellent. You have such a good eye for detail for organizing work files, but when it translates to art, it becomes otherworldly. It’s the type of talent that I think you should keep pursuing, not doing as a side thing.”
Her smile fades when she realizes how serious I am. The appreciation for my honesty is visible on her face, but I can tell my words make her nervous, too. That last part puzzles me until she speaks.
“That was the dream.”
“The dream?” I echo.
“At one point in time. But it didn’t stick because I had so many other dreams, like helping people. And now, the dream is to provide a good future for Riley.”
“You can do that while still achieving yours.”
“And being a medical assistant is still one of the dreams, Luke. I love working with doctors and being a part of the field that makes people feel better, that makes them healthier. It’s fulfilling, you know? And I’m good at it.” Then, her expression changes as she looks at me more closely. “I guess you’re saying that I’m good at art, too. I get that.”
“More than good.”
She softens. “Thank you. It means a lot to me that you’re saying that.”
“But it’s not the priority now. Maybe someday, when our future is secure, I can just sit back and paint as much as I want without having to worry about income and expenses.”
I open my mouth, about to tell her that income isn’t a problem, before reality slaps me back down to humble me. I’m rich, so I can say that without worry—and here I am, insisting on it and not seeing it from her side.
And yes, assuming she will accept whatever money I offer, even though Olivia is far from that. She has her pride and will never take things for free because she survived being so independent this long.
And it’s not like we defined what this relationship is for her to be more comfortable with the fact that whatever she asks me, I will do. I will provide and help, no matter how big it is.
I bite that last one down and look her in the eye.