I blush again as she and Wanda ogle my dress, which is backless. I was nervous about wearing this earlier, but now that I look around, I guess I’m not the only one who opted for something more daring.

“I’m wearing panties. Does that count?”

Technically, I’m wearing a thong, but Jasper’s flushed expression and averted gaze tell me he’s trying to be respectful and not to listen to us. Besides, there’s no missing the way his attention keeps drifting toward Pamela, the nurse who once called Luke to an emergency. Maria notices this, too, and groans.

“If you like her that much, why don’t you just ask her to dance?”

As expected, Jasper jerks back and vigorously shakes his head. “What are you talking about? Who are you talking about?”

Wanda, Maria, and I exchange amused looks before we proceed to tease him about it. I freeze when I spot Mark, who hasn’t seen me yet. But he looks in my direction soon enough, does a double-take, and sends anxiety down my stomach when his expression turns determined.


It’s not that he cornered or asked me out again. It’s that he’s probably trying to apologize and be friends again, and I don’t know if I’m ready for that or even for small talk. Trying to be subtle, I tug Wanda’s arm and lead her to the food section, where there are enough people between us to finally get Mark off my tail.

Maria and Jasper follow, bickering about Pamela and his refusal to admit anything. I tune them out, hiding behind Wanda without trying to be obvious.

“Is he giving you trouble?”

So much for not trying to be obvious. I meet Wanda’s gaze, about to lie to her, until I realize she’s genuinely concerned.

“Not anymore.”

“But he gave you trouble?”

“I…he asked me out several times and wouldn’t take no for an answer. But I finally got my point across and he hasn’t asked since.”

Wanda’s lips flatten into a thin line. “Well, let’s make sure you’re not in his line of sight tonight.”

“He probably just wants to apologize or something.” But her support makes me grateful. I smile. “Don’t worry about him. I’m just here to have fun with you guys.”

Wanda relaxes at that and we forget about Mark. The food is a major factor as we pile our plates then stand in a corner while we eat. I listen to them make lighthearted comments about the guests until my gaze lands on a new arrival.

And just like that, I feel my breath leaving my lungs.

I always thought Luke looked good in scrubs or his standard dress shirt and slacks, but in a suit? He’s a gorgeous specimen. It doesn’t take my three companions long to notice him, either, and Maria even whistles under her breath at the sight.

“Hot damn. I would like a piece of that.”

Jasper grumbles. “He does look good, but if he could just shed off the grumpiness for tonight and smile…”

They gasp in surprise when Luke does smile, but it’s not directed at us. Instead, he smiles and greets another new arrival—a woman I don’t recognize, but I can tell the two are well acquainted when she kisses his cheek and they share a hug. She’s beautiful, too, in her white dress and fantastic figure, and oozing so much sophistication.

“Oh, look, isn’t that Dr. Paulson? She used to sub here before she got transferred. I heard they went out a few times.”

Jealousy spikes at Maria’s words. I try to keep it in, but I can’t help staring as the perfect-looking couple catches a little more attention. A part of me wants to stake my claim, but the other part is highly aware that I have no right.

Unable to stomach watching any further—because I know I’ll keep watching if I stay here—I make a miserable excuse and duck out of view, ensuring Mark doesn’t spot me when I leave the conference room. I also avoid the area where some of the staff are working tonight, just wanting some time alone. When I find a storage room, I slip in and shut the door, then lean against a shelf filled with sheets.

I try not to think about Luke, but as always, he occupies my mind.

He stopped pursuing me. The man who was so relentless with that did as I asked. He stopped trying to kiss me, too, which was what I wanted all along…so why am I not happy?

Because you want him.

“Shut up, self.”

“Am I interrupting or is there space for one more in here?”