“I told you, man. You look sex-starved.”

I scoff. “That’s just your imagination, Kyle.”

Except he’s not far from the truth. It’s not sex-starved but more of a sexual frustration, all because while I get to spend time with the woman I want because we share a daughter, I don’t get to touch her—and the torture of the constant interaction and close proximity is unbearable sometimes. It’s a miracle I haven’t broken yet and tried to kiss her again, but I guess her words resonate with me, and I respect her more for her dedication to Riley.

But yes, I have the blue balls. And it’s driving me crazy.

“You should find yourself a nice woman and ease that look off. I bet you could have your pick.”

I growl. “You’re still on that topic?”

Kyle grins. “Of course. It’s a good topic.”

“I’m not playing the field anymore.”

“It is because?—”

“It’s not because of a woman. It’s because I’m just busy as hell—and you should go back to work.”

Kyle keeps teasing me, but to my relief, he finally leaves before Olivia arrives and the man can see right through my façade. When he’s gone, I recall his words and have to admit that he’s right. In the past, I usually slaked my lust through different women.

It didn’t even matter which woman. If we got along well and there was a hint of attraction—and if she wasn’t a work colleague—we would be falling into bed right away, though I never took one to my penthouse suite. But one night with them was enough, as I wanted to set boundaries that what we shared was nothing more than casual sex.

Lately, though, the appeal is lost on me and I can’t find myself participating in something that only feels hollow after. Olivia, however, is a different matter because one night with her doesn’t feel enough. I want to take her over and over.

I want her to moan my name and surrender herself to me over and over.

Except she doesn’t want it, bud.

“Here are the files, Luke. Your next patient appointment will be in fifteen minutes.”

Speak of the devil.

I watch as she prepares my needed tools and sets everything up the way I want them set up. It’s only been a few months, but I can’t deny that having her around has eased a lot of my work burden. I remind myself to mention to James what an impressive job she’s doing, hoping it will earn her a bonus or even a permanent raise.

“Thanks, Liv.”

She stays silent while sitting at her desk and typing something on her keyboard. She still avoids more intimate interaction, but at least she is comfortable enough to address me by my first name now. I don’t have time to mull over it further as the first patient arrives and she gets busy assisting me while I assess the patient’s progress.

Four patients later, Olivia leaves to take her break. I sit at my desk, bored as hell, and debate whether I should stay here or find something to do. Before I can think about it, I’m walking down the halls, unsure what I’m looking for…then, too sure and cursing myself for it.

She’s not at the cafeteria, so I check the office again. When she’s not there yet, I head over to the staff lounges and luck out when I find her in one—except she’s not alone.

Mark is with her, standing so close. Too close. My jealous streak rises before I can stop it, and my hands fist with the need to growl at him like some caveman.

The worst thing is that it’s just the two of them, with no one around. Anyone can walk in and assume this is an intimate moment. I’m not proud of this thought process, and it takes everything in me to control my possessiveness.

I will myself to take a step back and leave them alone…until I hear Olivia’s tense voice.

“No, Mark. I already told you I’m not interested.”

“But it’s just a date. Surely you can spare me one?”

“I’m busy…”

“You’re not even a doctor and we have the busier schedules. You work nine hours a day. I’m sure you have a free hour?—”

“No, Mark, I don’t.”