“Yeah, I’m just having a dizzy spell…” But when I try to steady her and release her, she sways again. “Never mind. Hold me?”
My hands automatically come up, already supporting her before she even mentions it. I glance at the flowers scattered in pots and the soil she already dug up, then shake my head.
“What were you even doing? You could have fallen and gone unconscious. That’s dangerous.”
She huffs. “I was gardening, something us regular folks do.”
“Count me out.”
“You have terrible landscaping in your yard, and I’m sure you have tons of gardeners at your disposal in your hotels…and oh, dear, I’m still dizzy.”
I try to direct her back toward the house. “Where’s Aaron? I should call him…”
“He’s not in town. He went on a work trip and won’t be back until the weekend, and…” She sways again and groans. “I’m fine. I just need to rest on the couch. Were you headed out of town?”
“Yeah. To Nashville.”
“Then just leave me on the couch. I swear I’ll be fine.”
But I’m already shaking my head. “Not a chance. You’re not okay, Honey Lee.”
“It’s just the heat.”
“And after I leave, what? Were you planning to return to your gardening?”
“Well, the flowers aren’t going to plant themselves, are they?”
I sigh. “Were you always this stubborn?”
“Sure. It kind of runs in the family.”
I have no idea what she’s talking about, but I know one thing for sure.
“Come on. I know I can’t stop you from gardening in the damn heat, but at least let me drive you to the doctor first so he can check on you. Then maybe you’ll finally listen to a professional’s orders.”
“Were you always this bossy?”
“It comes with the job. And the job is to make sure you’re not sick or something. Come on. Walk with me to my Jeep.”
Thankfully, Honey Lee finally listens and lets me escort her to my Jeep, where she closes her eyes and rests her head against the head support. I chat with her to keep her awake, asking about her flowers and what Aaron’s work trip is about.
I’m worried that she’s still pale when we get to the local clinic, but Eric has always been an efficient guy and gets to work right away, taking tests while taking care of her. It helps that we’re the only ones there. I stay in the lobby to wait, but when Eric walks back to the clinic room with papers in hand, I hurry over to him.
“Is everything okay?”
“What’s wrong with her?”
“I need to tell her the news first.” He opens the door to the room where Honey Lee is waiting, then pauses when I hover. “And Honey Lee might want to hear it first…”
But Honey Lee waves a hand. “It’s fine, doc. He’s practically family. You can say whatever it is in front of him.”
“In that case…congratulations, Honey Lee. You’re not sick.”
She shoots me a pointed look. “See? I told you.”
“You’re pregnant.”