“It’s a bird, Christian.”

“They’re menaces.” But he smiles. “Cute, but menaces. Anyway, it’s getting late. Let’s get dinner?”

I nod and we head back to the car. But before we get in, he turns to me.

“You know, you can stay longer here to spend time with them. You’re safe with your parents, even if you don’t tell them about the situation.”

I know the plan is to go back to Coronado after San Diego so he can finish up some business matters before we return to Sweet Haven, but I can tell from his conviction that he put some thought into this new suggestion. I read between the lines.

“Are you headed somewhere?”

“I need to stay in San Diego a bit. Not the city center, though. Just at this camp nearby that we rented.”

“What kind of camp?”

“Just a regular camp, but we set it up to be this weekend’s boot camp for my agents. It’s a team gathering activity and they want me there.”

Interesting. I can see his conflict, not wanting to abandon his assignment—me—but also not wanting to abandon his agents.

“Let me guess. Is it an annual event?”

“Yeah. It’s supposed to be later, but they moved it two weekends earlier since there’s bad weather predicted at the original dates.”

I can also see that if I ask him to stay with me, he won’t go—and that cements my decision.

“Then you should go. It sounds fun.”


“Yes.” I nod firmly. Then curiosity slides in. “Where would you have sent me if my parents’ place wasn’t an option?”

“I would have checked you in one of our secure facilities, but only with your consent. It’s kind of like my hotel rooms but with more guards.”

“My consent, huh?”

“Yes. Of course. You get to decide where you want to stay.”

I can see my parents anytime. I can even explore facilities like the one he mentioned anytime.

But Christian and his agents in a boot camp, where I get to see them in action? Him in action?

“How about I tag along to your boot camp? I don’t think there’s a safer place than one where you and your agents are.”

Chapter 21


I’m nervous. I’ve never been this nervous since I tried to surprise Raven with the publishing deal, but this one feels more harrowing since a lot of people will be involved. I go back and forth between thinking it’s a good decision to bring her here and thinking that it’s the worst idea ever, but there’s no time to turn back as we’re already in the camp.

It’s a nice, private park with plenty of running space and areas to set camp in, but it also already has lodges for those who don’t want to sleep in tents. I can see most of my agents have arrived early, including Ingrid and Leon, who are dressed like they’re ready to hike a trail.

“Good morning, Leon. Good morning, Ingrid. You guys need to join the activities this year.”

Leon, despite his outfit, looks like he wants to go back to sleep, while Ingrid looks like she’s ready to do jumping jacks. I try not to laugh as she nods enthusiastically. Leon groans.

“Maybe the lighter activities. I don’t even want to be near that obstacle course.”

“Why not?”