Sam blinks, obviously expecting something else. When I stay where I am, he looks pleased and relaxes a bit. But he doesn’t leave his spot.

And he lights up.

“I’m glad you asked. It’s a brilliant story.” When I remain silent, he clears his throat. “Remember how I said I was interested in hacking and that I should take it up since I’m good with computers?”

I don’t remember him talking about hacking, but I nod until he continues.

“Well, I finally took some lessons. And while I did, I made some really good hacker friends, and one of them is tight on cash and really good. So, I dug up some cash and got him to look around for you. Social media, old account numbers…flight tickets. It turns out he has some real talent in finding people via the flights they take—and imagine my luck when he found your flight headed to Nashville.”

Oh, my God.

“Now, I would have dismissed it since Nashville is so far out of your usual territory, but I dug around, too, and imagine my surprise when I found out you have a relative down here, just hours from Nashville. I’m no genius, but it was such a jackpot moment and I knew I would find you here.”

“You left out the part where you found out my exact address.”

This time, his grin is almost gleeful.

“Oh, I met someone in Nashville. She’s also from Sweet Haven. She was quite happy when she learned that you had a boyfriend. I told her we had a little tiff and I wanted to win you back.”

Aimee. A groan rumbles in my chest and I can’t help my stronger tone. “What did you do to her?”

“Her?” He puzzles over my question, then shrugs. “Nothing. She’s nice and pretty, but she’s not you and—Raven, what are you doing?”

I’ve been inching my way toward the other end of the kitchen island while he’s talking, but his narrowed gaze stops me in my tracks. Before I can react, he crosses the distance and grabs my wrist, then drags me so easily until I’m close to him. I gasp.

“Were you trying to get away from me?”

“There’s nowhere to go.” I spit it out, the panic dancing in my stomach even while I try to appeal to his common sense. I try to fight his hold, but Sam’s so much stronger than me—and he’s becoming angry now.

“That’s right. There’s nowhere to go.” His friendly face turns into a sneer, showing his true colors. “You think you’re so smart trying to get away from me, don’t you? You think you’ve had the last laugh while I have cops on my tail?”

“Sam, let me go?—”

“Tough luck, Raven. You should have given me a chance when I asked nicely?—”

“I said let me go!”

My hand reaches blindly behind me, I grab an object and swing it without hesitation. The banging sound of the pot is so loud that it jars me, but it’s effective as it hits him in the head and he releases his hold on me. Without thought, I run for the pot of stew and flip it over behind me, blocking his path as he shouts.

“Raven, what the hell?”

But it’s not enough. I’m halfway to the door when hands reach for me again and drag me back even harder. Sam whirls me around to face him, disbelief written all over his features.

“I can’t believe you tried to scald me.”


He hisses. “I can’t believe it.”

This is it, my mind says as I try to fight again, but his clamp is like iron. I brace myself for the hit as one of his hands swings up.

Then a figure comes flying in from the door like a force of darkness—Christian.

And the next thing I know, Sam is on the floor.

Chapter 17
