“Christian. Hi.”
Aimee’s friendliness shifts into a pleased look, one that widens her smile. Her dimples appear and her eyes crinkle. I don’t think she has ever visited my house before, and we definitely haven’t interacted much since I got here.
Which makes this unusual.
“Hey. What’s up?”
“I was baking some pies for a fundraiser and made some extras, so I thought I’d drive over and give one to you…and, you know, catch up. We haven’t really talked since you got here.”
Did we ever talk, though? I try to recall, but all I remember is some flirting at the bar before we hooked up. Then…I don’t know, more flirting whenever we bump into each other, though we haven’t flirted recently.
I’m better acquainted with her cousins, who run Nick’s non-profit organization with my sister, but we’re not close friends, either.
“Well, can we? Catch up?”
The grumpy part of me wants to tell her to go to hell, but I was raised better than that, and I know it’s not Aimee’s fault that I’m a horny bastard. So, I offer a smile and nod.
“Sure. Come on in. What’s the pie?”
She’s delighted that I ask. “Blueberry. It’s really good! Let me just slice you a piece and…oh, Raven. Hi! Mary Anne told me Honey Lee’s off on a trip and I thought you were going to be with her.”
“Hey, Aimee.” Raven smiles back. “What’s the occasion?”
“Nothing. I just wanted to visit. Let me get you two some slices.”
“No, no, sit. I’ll get you the slices. You’re the guest here.”
Aimee beams, liking the idea. I watch as Raven takes the pie to the kitchen, then gets busy taking out plates and utensils from the cupboards.
“So, how have you been, Christian?”
“Good. You?”
“I’ve been really good. I’ve signed up for the next Nashville pageantry and will be training soon.”
“That’s nice.”
My gaze flicks toward Raven when she tiptoes to get the fancy glasses, and I try not to stare at her sweet little butt. But it’s impossible not to look at her because seeing her looking so cozy in the kitchen is doing things to my system…and no, not just my cock.
“I saw you at the diner the last time you went with Raven. You looked really good. You look good now, too.”
I turn back to Aimee. She’s waiting expectantly, but I don’t even remember what she was wearing in the diner, just that she approached Raven and they chatted a bit.
A flare of disappointment is visible on her face, then is gone. When Raven walks over with the tray of pie slices and juice, I scoot over to give her space—and to my shock, Aimee scoots over, too, pressing against me so that Raven has to sit on her other side.
“Thanks, Raven! You’re a sweetheart.”
I reluctantly take my piece and try it, then watch as Raven closes her eyes.
“Aimee, this is really good.”
“Thanks.” A hand lands on my knee and squeezes. “Christian, what do you think?”