I list down some more rules, relaxing bit by bit when she’s agreeable to everything, including us sleeping in rooms adjacent to each other. It makes me think that maybe this won’t be so bad, at least not assignment-wise. I’ve had worse clients and more harrowing scenarios.
“I’ll leave this notepad in the kitchen and you can just add what you need to the list. Grocery shopping will be once a week. Other than that, there’s no reason for us to leave the house that much, and I’m sure you have everything you need and don’t need to go anywhere?—”
I stop at the alarm in her voice, then repeat my words. “You don’t need to go anywhere.”
“Not go anywhere as in never leave the house?”
“For the first week at least. I have to make some calls before I can safely let you out of the house.”
Her eyes widen. “I can’t go outside?” she says in disbelief.
“For now,” I repeat slowly, unsure of what part she missed. “Then, after the week, we only leave the house if we absolutely need to. That’s the first phase. After we’re assured that your ex hasn’t followed you here and won’t, then we’ll move onto the next?—”
“What about my job?”
Now, it’s my turn to be flabbergasted. I drop the notepad on the counter and turn to face her fully.
“You don’t have a job.”
“Yes, I do.” She glares. “Did you think I came here to slack off?”
I narrow my gaze. “No. You came here to hide from your ex.”
“To get away, not hide. But I’m not going to just sit here and wait and get paranoid all over again. Especially if, like you said, we don’t even know if he’s going to come after me or not.
I’m a teacher. I’m going to teach.”
Every bit of new information she’s hitting me with feels like a punch all over again. I gape.
“It’s already set. I’m assisting at Honey Lee’s preschool.”
“No, you aren’t. And Honey Lee agreed to this? Knowing the reason you came here?” My voice is riddled with disbelief. I can’t help it. “You’re not supposed to be out.”
Her shoulders stiffen. “You’re not the boss of me.”
“I’m your protector.”
“Yeah, not my jailer. You should be able to do your job even when I’m not at home.”
“Don’t lock me up here. I’ve already been a prisoner in my home. In my city. Don’t do the same to me here.”
There are plenty of arguments to be had, including that her ex is a computer guy and good at it, meaning he might still be able to track her down here. It’s not a guaranteed thing, and it was smart of her to come here to Honey Lee, who she never mentioned to her ex.
But the stricken look on her expression, as if the very idea of being trapped will kill her…it kills me, too. My fingers itch to reach out and wrap her in a hug, then soothe her with encouraging words until all that panic and fear she’s keeping within go away. I fist my hands instead, understanding pride is also in the mix and it’ll just humiliate her if I bring it up now.
So, I don’t. And I consider her words.
“Fine. Okay. I’ll just…adjust the program.”