I’m baffled. I’m hurt. I’m beside myself trying to figure it out, but soon, that evolves into worry over her condition.
Is Raven okay? Is the baby okay? Is she healthy and happy, or is she having a hard time?
She chose to leave.
The anger returns in full glory, but soon it wanes, and all I feel is that same hollowness in my stomach. I think back to when she was sick at boot camp and wonder if that was already a symptom of what she was keeping. Then I think back on other things, including every conversation we’ve had since then.
And that’s when the realization hits me like a truck, and I have to park the Jeep to the side before my distraction causes an accident.
My mind flies a mile a minute, a jumble of memories that keep hitting me with a vengeance: the week-long silence when I was in Nashville. Her determination to leave before things were even settled with our contract. Her last words to me.
And my last words to her, particularly…
Between the expansion and my second building, I’m going to be so busy.
It’s been my dream for so long.
Raven didn’t leave because she wanted nothing to do with me anymore. She left because of the things I said and how I made her feel—that there was never a chance between us. That the business was my top priority.
That there was no more room for anything else. Then it replays in my head again…
Between the expansion and my second building, I’m going to be so busy.
Oh, fuck.
I call a number. Honey Lee picks up on the second ring, sounding better than earlier. But I still ask.
“Hey. How are you holding up?”
“Hey. I’m no longer dizzy and Aaron’s coming home tonight.” There’s a pause. “How are you?”
There’s an even longer pause from me as I rub a hand over my face, still stuck in a state of disbelief and shock. But the wonder is seeping in, too.
“Shit. I’m a dad. Honey Lee, I’m going to be a father.”
“I know you’re not supposed to say anything because you’re her cousin and she probably swore you to secrecy, but just tell me one thing.”
My hand grips the wheel hard. “I love her, Honey Lee. I made a mistake not telling her that. I should never have let her walk out the door without letting her know exactly how I feel.
“I need to know if there’s still a chance for us. That I can make this right.”
Silence. It’s the longest one yet, and I almost feel dizzy as I anticipate a cold, hard no.
But Honey Lee’s answer gives me hope.
“That’s up to you now, Christian. Are you willing to fight for it?”
Chapter 28
“Are you nervous?”
I give Sophia a look. “Of course I am. Don’t you get nervous when you have to do your shoots?”