I don’t hear the rest of his words as I’m zonked out before I know it. It’s a dreamless sleep, the kind I haven’t had in a while, and appreciate even more because of it. I wake up and find myself facing the wall clock, where it says that I’ve slept for around an hour.

Remembering what transpired in this room, I smile and turn, expecting to find a body. I frown and look around, expecting to find a note or a sign…anything to signal that he was here. But there’s no note, no message, no sign, leaving my body riddled with a cold feeling.

Because the man who promised me pizza is gone.

Chapter 3


I hurry from my truck, in disbelief that the emergency I expected to take one to two hours ended up taking a lot longer. It’s sunrise now, the edges of it peeking from the skies, and I lament the loss of those hours that I could have spent with a warm, willing woman. Not just that, but a woman that I had the most fantastic sex with and connected with on so many levels.

But there’s no saying no to my old military boss, especially when he calls in a favor and I need his connections for my business. It’s a give-and-take relationship, one that benefits me thoroughly, but the relief is intense that it’s done for the day and I can move on to something more interesting: Raven.

When I reach her room, I knock and wait, anticipation already thrumming in my bones. Last night was mind-blowing, the kind that blows every other experience I’ve had out of the water. But it’s the way she seemed to know just what I needed that amazes me, and I already can’t wait until she’s making those lovely sounds again, moaning my name.

Hell, I can’t wait to be inside her, her tightness encasing my cock in perfection.

Perhaps it’s the preoccupation with how she sounded last night that makes me slow, but it takes me a while to comprehend that no one’s responding to my knock. I try again, then realize the door’s unlocked, so I step in…

And find myself staring at an empty room.

The sheets are pressed and the room smells of disinfectant, leaving me stunned. I puzzle over it for a second or two before I head straight to the reception area, where the man eyes me suspiciously before I convince him with my ID stating my old occupation.

“She left around five.”

An hour before I arrived.

“Do you happen to have her number? Or would you know where she went?”

The receptionist—maybe also the owner—looks at me like I’m wasting his time but confirms that no, he doesn’t have the answers to that. I thank him and walk out, then stare at the parking lot that’s mostly empty now.

Shit. I should have woken her up or left a note, something to tell her that I’m not abandoning her. Hell, I should have taken her number or given her mine, but I suppose that with all that flirting between us, exchanging numbers was the last thing on our minds.

This sucks, though, because it means she thinks I ghosted her, and there’s no way to find her now and tell her that I want more of where last night came from. Not just the sex but the companionship because being with her felt like a breath of fresh air.

“Yeah, well, you’re an idiot.”

That I am. I remember her occupation and wonder if I can search around for teacher conferences, but then shut it down as too stalkerish. If she left, that means she has places more important to be at than waiting for me.

I head back to my apartment in the city, adjacent to my best friend Nick’s, and now my sister Clara’s. I know they’re out for the day, so I go straight to bed, catching up on the lack of sleep from last night. When I wake up, my mind’s clearer, and things are put into perspective.

Perhaps it was fate for us not to spend more time together last night because…well, what else could I have offered her other than sex? I’m not in the market for a relationship. I don’t know if she wanted that, either, but with what was sizzling between us and how she seemed so in sync with me, it might have evolved into something I’m not ready for.

I’m only in the market for one thing now: expanding my protection agency business in Nashville, but taking an assignment first to test the field.

And I should stick to that.

Despite the way my mind works it out, there’s still a nagging feeling that chips at my shoulder as I drive away from Nashville toward my real destination. But as soon as the buildings fall away and I pass by more trees, fields, and greenery, I’m hit with a cozy feel and a sense of belongingness that never fails to calm me. I smile at the signage that says “Sweet Haven,” welcoming me back to the one place I can truly call home.

It’s the same, but also different over my years of being in the military, then more years of spending time to smoothen out my business in Coronado. Every time I return for a visit, there’s a renovated house, a new building erected, or a park expanded. The latest addition is a monument in the park with my best friend’s name on it, considering he’s the most popular rock star in the world who decided to settle down in the quaintest, quietest town.

I shake my head in amusement at the level of fame that Nick has achieved. I’m happy about that, but more so because he finally found love with my sister, and those demons that he always carried have finally set him free. A good woman can do that, I hear.

But hey, it’s not for everyone.

Minutes later, I stop the truck in front of a dainty, brick-lined house, then saunter over to the front door. Unlike the motel door, this one takes seconds to open before a woman pulls me in and hugs me in welcome. I give her a brief hug back, then step back and offer her a grin.

“Hey, Honey Lee. How’s everything?”