
“Hey, baby. I’ve missed you.”

His words and his voice flood my senses and make my heart ache, but I try to keep mine as casual as possible. “Hey, Christian. You say that every night.”

“And I mean it. How have you been?”

Words flood my head, but I only repeat a few. “I’m fine. Honey Lee took me out for a drive and we got some groceries. Dinner was noodles and it was really good.”

“Sounds amazing.”

“How about you?”

There’s a pause before he takes a deep breath. “I’ve been meaning to tell you, but things weren’t ready until today.”

“What were you meaning to tell me?”

“Your ex, Sam, got arrested. A colleague called me last week to relay what he heard, but I decided to come to Nashville to check it out myself. I didn’t want to leave it to chance or phone calls.”

Shock fills my system, not expecting that at all. I sit there, numb, as he explains what happened from the start, including his decision to leave me behind and take care of the Sam issue personally. When I find out that Sam will be behind bars for a couple of years, I sag on the bed but grip the phone so hard.


“Yeah.” I clear my throat. “Yeah, I’m still here. Are you sure?”

“Sure as hell. It’s official now. He’s locked up. That’s why I extended my stay. This is an emergency, especially since it concerns you, and nothing would have stopped me from making sure he never hurts you again.”

I open my mouth, overwhelmed by the intensity I hear from his voice. At the same time, I can’t believe that Sam got arrested for something unrelated to my case. But before I can say anything, Christian continues.

“But that’s not all I did here.”

“Oh? What else did you do?”

This time, there’s visible excitement in his voice. “I made a bid on a piece of land right at the center of the city…and guess what? I got the bid. Now, all I need to do is process the papers and permits, then I can start building.”

“Building?” Confusion hits me before understanding dawns. “Oh. The agency expansion?”

“Yes. It’s big enough for an agency building, but there’s also plenty of room for a small hotel if I want to open one. Or a living space for clients who want to check into a secure facility. I haven’t decided yet. But the agency expansion is a sure thing.”


“Yeah. Between the expansion and my second building, I’m going to be so busy, but…” He sighs wistfully. “It’s been my dream for so long. I can’t even explain it.”

My chest constricts, but I swallow the emotion.

“You don’t have to. But you can try to explain if you want.”

He chuckles at my words. The sound normally makes me smile, but I can only listen in silence as he continues talking about the business and his projections for it within the next few years. There’s a raw honesty and enthusiasm to him, deducing one undeniable matter: that I was right all along.

That his business comes first no matter what, and this…this is my answer.

Just like that, I know what to do. I make my decision in my head, but I think my heart already knew it would come to this long before he called me.

“I’m so glad it’s all working out for you, Christian. Everything you’re saying sounds wonderful.”

I try to make my voice as enthusiastic as possible, too, but something must be off as he goes silent. Then?—

“Raven, are you okay?”