His muscles strain when I take him deep in my throat, and he lets out the ripest curse when I suck even harder. Then his cock is no longer there and I’m on my back again before I can react. I reach for him, but he takes my hand, lifts it, and traps it under his.
“You didn’t like it?”
“If I let you keep doing that, this will be over too quickly. The bet was that I’d be inside you, right?”
My breath catches in my throat, but I manage an impish smile. “Was it?”
“Yeah. And I keep my promises, Raven.”
It’s a promise but feels like a warning. It ignites a desperation between us.
Lust glints before he grabs the pants we discarded and pulls one out of the pocket. I snatch it from his hand, tear it open, and watch his hooded gaze go dark when I roll the rubber over his hardness. I give it one more good stroke until he growls against my ear.
“You’re paying for that, sweetheart.”
I shudder at his words. Or maybe it’s his tip now rubbing against my entrance. But it no longer matters as he pushes in, one pulsating inch after another, until he’s deep inside me.
He groans, whispering how tight I am. I moan, breathless from being so full. I don’t know which one of us moves first, but when it happens, all bets are off and I’m sinking further into a pleasure unlike any I’ve ever experienced before.
I bask in it, then lose myself to more kisses that intensify the pleasure. They’re hard, possessive kisses, but there’s so much tenderness in them, too, as if he’s as invested in my pleasure as much as his. I gasp when he drives deeper and harder, angling until I feel it deep in my bones.
I’ve had sex before. I’ve been fucked hard before, too, and eaten out, but there’s something about this man’s sheer power and primal grit that just does it for me. For however much he was a gentleman in the bar, it’s trumped by the raw, uninhibited passion that drives him to work me like I’m his most important mission.
But it’s not just a mission. It’s a connection, swirling between us until we’re shrouded in its cloud. I can feel how tighter and tighter it’s getting and I’m ready for that next explosion, but again, Christian takes me by surprise when he rolls us around until he’s on his back and I’m…
“Ride me.” His quiet rasp hums in the air. “Grind against me.”
I blink, then realize he’s using my words from earlier. I watch his impatience create a frayed hold on his control, slipping more by the second. But he holds on, wanting me to do my thing.
And that’s the sexiest thing a man can give a woman.
Wordlessly, I plant my hands on his stomach, then grind my core against his cock until I can feel the pleasure build again. I rock and bounce until I brush that very sensitive point against his hardness. I cry out and bear down, grinding, already racing to the finish, but the cry sharpens when he sits up, sucks on my nipple, and grinds back against me.
I sob it out. That’s all it takes for his control to snap and for Christian to arch his hips up repeatedly, hitting his cock right where I need it the most.
It’s wonderful. It’s crazy, and all I can hear in my head is a series of oh my Gods, holy shits, and—and?—
My next orgasm is more explosive than my last, shattering me completely. A few more thrusts and Christian shudders, too, holding on to me tightly and kissing me over and over as he spills into me. Then he rolls us back around until we’re lying together, a cuddle that keeps me safe and warm as we fall together into our bliss.
It’s like my bones have melted. He caresses my hip and lazily kisses my shoulder, but I can’t even lift my head.
“How was it?”
I scan my mind for something profound but can only manage one word. “Wow.”
Christian chuckles. “Hunger-inducing, right?”
“We can probably get pizza later.”
Which means there’ll be a repeat. I grin. “I’d like that.”
But my eyes are closing out of my accord and he tucks me in tighter against him. “Get some sleep first. Get…”