“Loosen your legs, sweetheart, just a bit…yes, that’s a good girl.”

Then my fingers are back inside her and resuming the rhythm I started earlier.

There are no words between us, just the sounds of her pleasure and my occasional groans. I know she’s close when her body rocks like mad against my fingers, riding them to seek out what she needs. Feeling my control starting to slip, I thumb her until I find her clit, then flick that spot repeatedly—and I’m rewarded for it as she rockets into her climax, only one word coming out of her mouth when she does.


It’s unnerving. It’s so fucking hot, and I can only kiss her to alleviate the almost-blinding need to damn it all to hell and take her right here. But I stay rigid in my spot, only giving in to the way her tongue pulls against mine and our bodies mold together.

“That’s it, baby. Ride it out.”

When she comes down from her high, I’m still hard, but there’s a sense of satisfaction—and yes, smugness—that I’m the one who made her lose control like this. The one who made her let go of her inhibitions.

And the one who made her stop thinking about her past enough to enjoy herself here.

But it’s also up to me not to form attachments and set limitations.


Her gaze locks into mine as she nods. “Yes.”

“Good.” I kiss her again, savoring every second of her addictive taste, then reluctantly pull away when it intensifies too quickly. “Let’s go back. Before someone else decides to take a night dip here, too.”

I made my bed with my rule.

Now I have to lie in it.

Chapter 10


“Are you serious?”

“As a heart attack. You’ve been here…what, a month? Any client would want to go out after what’s basically been a house arrest.”

I can’t claim it’s a full-out house arrest, not when I had preschool at the beginning and spent some time with Nick’s music non-profit organization after my bout of boredom. Honey Lee volunteers there a lot, so I got to meet the other organization members and her friends.

But this?

“Let me get this straight. You’re okay with me going anywhere in Sweet Haven? Anytime I want? As in, not just preschool, the non-profit headquarters, or the forest?”

Green eyes darken, but they clear just as quickly. My stomach tightens, but I force my mind to stay on topic and not wander.

“Yes. I’m okay with it. Mostly because I’ve been keeping track of the situation in California. And here. There’s still nothing connecting the two places, so I think it’s time to loosen some of the reins…that is, if you’re comfortable with it.”

He’s kidding, right?

“Yes! I’m comfortable!” Realizing I’m close to shouting—and he’s grinning—I swallow and lower my voice. “Where are we going?”

“Wherever you want.”

It feels like too much freedom. I’m happy but overwhelmed, so I take my time mulling it over before I make my decision.

“The diner?”


“Yeah. The food you brought me from that place was so good. People always go where there’s good food, so I guess it’s a good spot to get…acquainted?”