The words are soothing, not menacing. The voice is deep, low, and husky, with a tinge of concern that has me understanding that no, this isn’t Sam and I’m no longer in California. This is Sweet Haven, where Honey Lee lives, a town that’s hundreds of miles away from where he got me cornered.
And the man beside me isn’t him, but the one tasked to protect me.
I sag, the relief so stark and heavy. Hands reach out tentatively, then more firmly to encase me in a hug. I know I should be more courageous and my will stronger.
But I collapse in his arms, unable to stop the trembling that starts from my stomach and spreads to the tips of my toes. My mind returns to that tidal wave of helplessness and I can’t help the distressed sound coming from my throat.
“I had a nightmare.” I blurt it out, my teeth chattering.
“I know. I heard.” His hand moves to my arm, drawing me closer, and his voice is so close, too. They work to provide warmth, fighting the coldness around me. “How often do you have nightmares?”
“I don’t know.” But talking seems to stave off the panic, so I make an effort. “It used to be every day. Lesser when I moved, but…”
“Is it always the same?”
“Yes and no. It’s always him running after me wherever I try to go or hide, but different versions. Sometimes, he runs slow and I have a chance. Other times, he runs fast and it’s suffocating. Tonight…he caught me. He tried to…”
My breath hitches, but his warm hand splays over my back, rubbing repeatedly.
“Whatever that nightmare was, know that it’s only there because it can’t get to you in real life.”
“You’re safe in real life.”
Safe. It’s a word that I haven’t heard in a long time, but my hope is fierce. So is my uncertainty.
“What if my nightmares take over?”
“You’re a strong person. You keep riding it until it fades over time. It won’t be easy, but nothing in life is easy and you’ll be able to fight your demons soon.”
Something in his tone tells me he understands on a different level, maybe because he has his demons to fight, too. I imagine being a Navy SEAL has its own set of traumas, depending on what they’ve gone through, and being an owner of a protection agency also comes with bad experiences. In a way, he connects to me like no one else has.
Honey Lee tries, but she lives in a peaceful town and is married to the love of her life. I love her, and I know she worries, but she can’t truly understand.
It’s strange that Christian’s the one who does.
“Your ex must have known you’re a strong person, too. That’s why he’s hiding.”
I blink, brought back from my reverie.
“He wasn’t like that in the beginning.”
“How long were you guys together?”
I bite my lip and hesitate, then realize his curiosity stems from a non-malicious place.
“A year, give or take. He was great at first. Attentive, funny, very sweet. Then he lost his job and became very frustrated with his life while I…thrived. I loved my job and the kids. The next thing I know, he’s telling me what to wear and always keeping tabs on me. If I get home on time. If I’m late. If I hang out with a co-worker after work, even if it’s a female one. If there’s no food on the table when he does get home after his job hunting or I’m still out.”
Hands tighten around me, then loosen. But like a train wreck, I can no longer stop.
“I broke up with him when he punched my co-worker. My co-worker was married and I was having dinner with him and his wife. He tried to win me back, but I realized I didn’t love him and didn’t want him back.” A pause. “That was almost a year ago.”
“He stalked you for a year before you asked for help?”
“He kept calling and sending roses, then stopped for a few months, so I thought things were okay. Then I would get random bouquets and printed notes, but it wasn’t until he started writing them that I realized it was him. I found notes wherever I went, and one time…” My chest tightens. “I found a bloodied teddy bear in the library I frequented…the table I always sat in. He was upset that I hadn’t returned his calls.”