“Would it?”
“Hmm. Anyway…what’s done is done. We can’t do anything but move forward.”
Astonishment slams through me at the regret in his voice, however light it is—Regret that he slept with me? Or met me? Before I can recover, my cousin strolls back carrying a tray of juice and cookies.
“Are we all acquainted now?”
His expression tightens before it shuts down, revealing nothing. The smile returns, and when he looks at her, his face softens with an expression that makes me ache. I shake off the reaction quickly.
“Yes, quite acquainted. Don’t worry about it, Honey Lee. Your cousin made the right decision to come to our town. She’s in good hands.”
The gall. I open my mouth, then close it when Honey Lee utters a big sigh of relief.
“I’m glad. You don’t need to worry about anything now, Raven. Christian here is a standup fellow and just the kind of man you need.”
I bite back a scoff and the urge to point out that I thought that last night, too, until things went sideways. But there’s no need to regale my cousin with stories of my sex life or make her feel guilty by revealing what happened. I know her, and I know she’ll take responsibility.
And if I really think about it, even coming here to ask for her help already puts a lot of responsibility on her shoulders.
When they get to reminiscing about their childhood and some neighbors he hadn’t seen in a while, I excuse myself and head to the kitchen, needing the moment to gather my bearings. My pulse is beating like mad while the rest of me is still agitated. I peek at the living room in time to catch him throwing his head back in laughter over something Honey Lee says, and the sight caresses my insides with the same need that took hold of me yesterday when we were?—
I shut it down. What am I doing, feeling resentment but still feeling other things for a man who’s proven himself to be an unfeeling ass?
Panic flares and I take a deep breath. Movement catches my eye and I freeze when I see Christian looking at me, his laughter gone and his face an unreadable mask. Then Honey Lee is in the kitchen.
“Is it too late to back out?”
My question has her whirling to peer at me. “Why do you want to back out?”
I scan my head for reasons. “I don’t know. Don’t you think…don’t you think that I might have overreacted? That maybe I can just stay here without protection? It’s not like this is near my place…”
Her eyes widen. “You’re joking, right?”
“He stalked you, Raven. And harassed you. And broke into the one place you thought would be safe.”
My heart constricts at the memory of finding him in my apartment. I jump at the hands on my shoulders before I remember that I’m not there anymore and the person I’m facing is someone I love. And trust.
“Sweetie, what’s this about?”
I swallow at her kind, worried tone. “Nothing.”
She’s silent for a bit as if considering my earlier words. Then her shoulders steel. “I think you need protection. Your ex is still out there somewhere, and I’m sure he’s not finished with you just because you moved. And he’s a computer guy. What if he tracks you down and you don’t have protection?”
Fear clenches my body at the thought alone. It tries to crawl all over me until I’m consumed, but I push it back, remembering the exercises I’ve done to get rid of the crippling emotion.
“Besides, you already paid. I don’t think Christian has a refund policy, but if you really want to back out, maybe I can talk to him…”
“No. There’s no need.”
I refuse to put my cousin in that position just because I slept with my protector. I gulp in my worries, then shake my head.
“You’re right. It’s stupid to back out.”
“No, not stupid. You’re a brave woman, Raven.”
God, I don’t deserve her. But I’m grateful for her. I fall into her open arms, hugging her back.