Now, though, that Luna was officially his wife, Hunter was ready to leave behind the bustle of the wedding celebration and go home.
“Do you think we can sneak out unnoticed?” Luna asked as they quietly backed toward the doorway into the restaurant’s kitchen.
“If all goes according to plan.” Hunter caught Harley John’s eye. The young man nodded and stepped out the front door.
“It’s nice Tully and his wife could come,” Luna said, looking across the restaurant to where the sheriff and his wife visited with Kade, Lars, and Marnie.
“I’m glad they could be here. And I’m especially glad you are here, Mrs. Douglas. If Kade hadn’t been quick thinking and had Tully stop you, I would have traveled all the way to New York City to bring you back here.”
“I know you would have, and that is one of the dozens of reasons I love you, Hunter.” Luna kissed his cheek as they took another stealthy step backward.
“I hope you’ll list all those reasons when we get home,” he said with a teasing grin.
“One by one,” Luna assured him, giving him a heated look as he circled her waist, swung her around behind him into the kitchen, and ushered her to the door.
They glanced back to see Dacey blow them a kiss before she moved to stand in front of the doorway, blocking the view of their escape.
“I love your mother. She is fabulous.”
Hunter nodded as they walked out back. “That she is, but you’re pretty spectacular yourself, Luna, my love.”
“Thank you, dear husband.” She giggled. “I love saying that. Dear husband of mine.”
Hunter swept her into his arms and carried her to the vehicle waiting for them at the end of the alley. Hunter had purchased a new Model T but hadn’t told anyone except Harley John. This would be his first time driving it, but at least no one would recognize the vehicle.
“Have a happy honeymoon,” Harley John said, shaking Hunter’s hand and smiling at Luna. “You two deserve a lifetime of happiness.”
Luna squeezed Harley John’s hand and kissed his cheek. “So do you.”
Hunter helped Luna into the auto, then they drove out of town without a bit of fanfare. When they reached the ranch, Hunter stopped so Luna could read the sign that had been installed above the entry gate.
“Moon Creek Ranch,” she read, then looked at Hunter in wonder. “You named the ranch after me?”
“I did, Luna Moona, because you are part of this place and part of me and always will be.”
“And you will always be part of me, part of my heart, and the biggest part of my love. I’m so happy to be your wife, Hunter. I’ll try to make you happy.”
Hunter raised her fingers to his lips and kissed them. “You don’t have to try, Luna. You already do. I’ve never felt so happy and full of joy. You are a blessing and a treasure, and I’m grateful every day for the precious gift of you.”
Luna sighed contentedly and rested her head on his shoulder as he continued toward the house. “Wishes really do come true.”
“What’s that?” Hunter asked as he parked the car in front of the house that gleamed with a fresh coat of light gray paint, trimmed in white and a rich, deep hue of purple.
“Wishes. The day you caught me blowing weed seeds into the air, I wished for this. For you.”
Hunter picked her up in his arms and started toward the door. “I’ve been wishing for you to love me since the day we met, Luna. You’re absolutely right that wishes come true, dreams become reality, and prayers are answered. I know that without a doubt because I’m here with you.” He pushed open the door and stepped inside. “I can’t wait to see what a lifetime of wishes with you brings.”
“Love,” Luna answered, bracketing his face between her hands as they kissed.
“Always love,” he whispered, closing the door on the past as they stepped into their tomorrows.