Page 20 of Luna

“The ranch is good. I’m working with three new horses. I spend an hour with each of them, and there are also four others in various stages of training I’ve been working with. Dally has finally arrived at the conclusion that I know what I’m doing and stopped sitting on the fence, barking orders nonstop.” He grinned at her. “I’m not sure if the horses, Dally, Nik, Rowdy, or I are the most relieved.”

Luna laughed. “All of the above mentioned, I’m sure.” She pointed to one of the errand boys in town who held a sign on a tall stick that pointed the way to the circus. It wasn’t as if anyone looking to go could get lost. Between the tent, the crowds, and the sounds of the animals, it would have been hard to miss.

“Shall we get something to eat? Or would you prefer to look around?” Hunter asked as they made their way closer to the event.

“Perhaps we should eat first, then we’ll be free to look to our heart’s content,” Luna suggested.

“Would a hotdog suit your tastes?” Hunter asked as they reached the open field taken over by the circus for the day. A huge banner proclaimed the circus to be the largest in the world. Based on the size of the big tent, Luna thought the claims might actually be true.

“I heard the tent takes up eleven acres of ground, and it can seat fourteen thousand people,” Hunter said as he headed toward a vendor with a hotdog stand.

“Really? That is incredible. I suppose that’s why they only charge a quarter for admission while still making a profit.” She glanced around at the throngs of people swarming around outside. “I think they might hit maximum capacity here in Pendleton.”

Hunter grinned. “They just might.” He placed an order for three hotdogs with the vendor. Once they had their food, Hunter tipped his head toward a stand selling programs. The side of it was in the shade, and no one was standing there. “Let’s eat over there.”

The two of them quickly ate their hotdogs, eager to explore. Hunter again offered his arm, and they strolled along the midway. Several people stopped to talk to them, and Laila ran over, showing off a kewpie doll Tony had won for her. Tony carried a camera, taking photographs to document the occasion.

“Would you like to sit on an elephant?” A woman in a dazzling costume asked as Hunter and Luna started to walk by.

Luna looked at Hunter.

He shrugged and nodded to the woman. “Sure. What do we need to do?”

The woman made the elephant get down on the ground, massive legs stretched out in front of it. Then she motioned for Hunter to climb onto the animal’s back. He did, then reached down for Luna, pulling her up to sit in front of him.

“Smile!” Tony said, stepping close and taking a few photographs.

Hunter jumped down, then held his arms up for Luna. She felt his hands around her waist and experienced a thrilling jolt as he set her on her feet.

Luna purposefully ignored the feelings Hunter ignited in her and turned to pat the elephant’s neck. “What’s his name?” she asked the costumed woman.


Hunter grinned and joined Luna in petting the elephant. “Thank you, Clyde, for letting us sit on you for a moment.”

The elephant swished his ears, then Hunter again held out his arm to Luna. They continued strolling around, taking in all there was to see. Together, they looked at Bon, the hippo, watched clowns clowning around, and eyed the cages that held leopards, tigers, and lions.

“What is that?” Luna asked as an animal was led past them. It had stripes like a zebra but looked more like a donkey.

“That’s a cross between a burro and a zebra,” said the attendant at the fortune-telling booth.

Hunter gave the animal another look, and they resumed their stroll along the midway.

“Shall we take a seat?” Hunter asked as people began streaming into the big tent.

“Yes, please.” Luna wasn’t surprised when Hunter stopped and purchased two lemonades and a bag of popcorn for them to share, as well as a program.

“This isn’t a very fine meal to feed you,” he said as he offered his arm to her again, even though he held lemonade in one hand and popcorn in the other. She placed her hand on his arm, and they entered the big tent.

Inside, Luna tipped her head back and stared at the domed tent held up by thick poles and ropes. Two rings and three stages spread out in the center of the tent, with rows and rows of bleacher seats circling the edges of the massive space.

“There’s Dally and Nik. Do you mind if we sit with them?” Hunter asked, tipping his head to the left.

“Not at all,” Luna said, dragging her gaze from the ropes crisscrossing the tent to the couple waving at them from a few rows up.

Seated around Dally and Nik were Garrett and Aundy Nash and their children, Rowdy and Cornelia Logan, Lars and Marnie Thorsen, with several of the children from the orphanage, as well as the Walsh and Hill families. Luna caught sight of Laila skipping along with Sophie Thorsen as they headed toward the popcorn vendor.

“Hello!” various voices called in friendly greeting.