“I should be working,” Luna said, taking a bite of the tart, then closing her eyes in chocolate-induced bliss. “This might be the best thing I’ve ever eaten.”
Caterina laughed. “Glad you think so. When you finish, go home, Luna. You worked enough for today. You did a fine job for your first day on the job.”
“Thank you, Caterina.” Luna took another bite of her dessert as the back door opened, and Harley John stepped inside. He saw her at the table and smiled as he left his hat on a hook by the back door.
“You’re late tonight, Harley John. Do I need to remind Mr. Ashby that you need time off to eat and sleep?”
“No, Aunt Cat,” Harley John grinned and kissed the cheek she turned up to him. “I’m working on my own project after the shop closes and lost track of time.”
“What kind of project?” Caterina asked as she scraped the last of the gnocchi onto a plate, then added three breadsticks she’d had warming in the oven before she set the food on the table and motioned for Harley John to take a seat.
“An automobile. Mr. Ashby said I could use anything I wanted from his scrap pile. I’m going to make my own automobile.”
Caterina blinked a few times and then broke into a wide smile. “Well, of course you are, Harley John. You can do anything you set your mind to accomplish. Now, wash up and eat while the food is hot.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Harley John went over to the sink used for filling the water pitchers and washed his hands since the two dishwashers were busy at the main kitchen sink, finishing up the last of the evening’s dishes.
Luna smiled at Harley John when he took the seat across from her.
“Did you have a good first day here at the restaurant, Miss Campanelli?”
“I did. It was interesting and exciting.” Luna had found it interesting—fascinating, really—to see how much food Caterina and her staff could cook and serve in just a few hours’ time.
“That’s great, Miss Campanelli. The first night I worked here, I’m pretty sure I made a mess of everything, but Aunt Cat let me try again.” Harley John looked at Caterina with affection, as though she were really his aunt.
“You did just fine, Harley John.” Caterina set the last piece of crostata and a glass of milk by his plate, then squeezed his shoulder. “You always do.”
“Thank you, Auntie.”
“Why do you refer to Caterina as your aunt?” Luna blurted, wishing her mouth didn’t sometimes run ahead of her thoughts.
Harley John swallowed and wiped his mouth on a napkin, then looked at Luna. “Once the Thorsen family accepted me into their fold, I guess I got used to referring to everyone as aunt and uncle, like the rest of the youngsters. You probably are already aware of the fact that Sadie Thorsen is the girl I love. Someday, when she finishes medical school and returns from whatever adventures life leads her on, we’ll marry.”
“Oh, I see,” Luna said, admiring Harley John’s dedication to the girl who was studying to become a doctor. It seemed to Luna, despite the miles between them, Sadie and Harley John were not just committed but dedicated to one another. She sent up a quick prayer that one day they might be together and their lives would be blessed.
Harley John studied her for a moment, then nodded in approval as though he knew that she did understand all he was saying and some of the things to which he hadn’t given voice.
Luna knew better than most about being alone in the world and taken in by others who filled the role of parents. Thankfully, her mama and papa had always made her feel like part of their family, even from the first day she’d arrived in America, so afraid and uncertain of her future. She’d had to learn to speak English. Had to learn so many things, but all of those challenges had made Luna stronger and given her a sense of accomplishment.
Now, it was getting harder for her to remember what life was like when she had lived in Italy. She should write down her memories soon so she wouldn’t forget them all.
Luna took a sip of milk and found Harley John watching her. “You know, since we’ll likely see each other often, you should call me Luna.” She offered him an encouraging smile.
He grinned. “Only if you call me Harley John.”
“That seems fair.” She leaned a little closer as the dishwashers banged big pots and kettles in the sink. “Have you heard from Sadie recently? Did she get settled after leaving Boston?”
Harley John’s blue eyes brightened, and he nodded his head. “She did make it to New York and moved into what used to be Nik’s room above Franco and Angelina’s store. I had a letter from her just yesterday.” He gave her a thoughtful look. “Franco is your uncle. Is that correct?”
“Yes. My father was his youngest brother. When my parents were killed, Uncle Franco and Aunt Angelina insisted I come to America. I traveled with the grandparents of my cousin’s wife to New York. When I arrived, all the Campanelli family greeted me, making me feel welcome and loved. Brando and Natalia took me into their home and hearts, and now they are my mama and papa.”
“And they love you so much, bambina.” Caterina placed a kiss to the top of Luna’s head as she passed by to store huge trays on a vertical shelf at the back of the kitchen.
“I’m glad you all have each other, and I’m so grateful your family has welcomed Sadie,” Harley John said, toying with his fork. “She wasn’t happy in Boston and thinks New York will be a better fit for her.”
“May it be so,” Luna said, rising and carrying her dishes to the sink. The dishwashers were washing the last pot, but when Luna tried to wash her dishes, they nudged her out of the way with friendly grins.
The back door opened, and Kade stepped inside, his gun belt around his hips and his lawman’s star pinned to his vest. Luna thought he looked tired as well as concerned about something, but he smiled and pulled Caterina to him, kissing her soundly before he glanced at Luna and offered her a rascally wink.