Page 10 of Luna

When he released her, she stepped back, noting the badge he wore as a deputy sheriff and the fact that he seemed to only get better looking as he aged.

“I’m sorry I missed seeing you yesterday. Cat said you were about done in anyway. I ran into Tony earlier, and he mentioned you were here at the house. Just thought I’d come by and check on you and see if you needed anything.”

“That’s so kind of you, Kade.” Luna took a step toward the street. “I was just on my way to purchase a few groceries to make supper tonight. Is there a butcher in town you might recommend?”

“Sure. Mr. Johnson owns the mercantile, and you can get most of whatever you might need there. The butcher isn’t far from his store, just down the street and around the corner.”

“Wonderful.” Luna took the arm Kade held out to her and glanced over her shoulder as his horse plodded along behind them. “What’s his name?”

Kade grinned. “Repeat.”

Luna stared at him, uncertain if he was serious or joking.

Kade’s grin widened. “The horse I used to ride is named Pete, but he’s old and I turned him out to pasture. This fella is a lot like the original Pete, so Rachel named him Repeat.”

Luna smiled, thinking of Kade and Caterina’s plucky little girl. With her rascally older brothers, Brett and Ben, she had to be slightly on the sassy side just to hold her own.

“Repeat is quite clever.”

“It is, but that’s my darling daughter for you. Now, tell me all about the family back in New York. How are Angelina and Franco? Now that they are getting older, Caterina frets about her folks more than she lets on. Do you think they’ll ever retire and turn the store over to one of the boys?”

Luna shrugged. “Not while there is still breath in Uncle Franco’s body. He loves every inch of that store.”

Kade nodded in agreement. “That he does.”

They spoke of the Campanelli family as they walked into downtown, and Kade pointed out buildings it would be good for Luna to know. He took her along a different route than Tony had suggested, walking past the bank and a J.C. Penney Company store. The department store carried everything from home goods and shoes to fashions for the entire family, as displayed in the front windows. If she’d been alone, Luna might have taken a moment to admire the colorful displays that made it seem as if summer had arrived.

Instead, she kept walking, listening as Kade pointed out the telephone office, the print shop, and a few other businesses. At the corner, they turned and made their way to Ilsa’s shop.

“Well, little Luna, this is where I leave you. I’d best get back to work,” Kade’s fingers touched the brim of his hat as he tipped his head to her politely, then he swung onto the back of his horse and rode in the direction they’d come.

Luna stood outside Ilsa’s shop watching him ride away, like a hero from one of the dime novels her younger brother so enjoyed reading. She turned and let her gaze wander over Ilsa’s eye-catching window displays before she pulled open the screen door and stepped into the store overflowing with exquisite gowns and accessories.

A bell jingled above the door, and Luna watched as Ilsa breezed into the front of the store through a doorway at the back. She vaguely recalled the workroom from awakening in it yesterday.

“Luna! You look refreshed and lovely,” Ilsa said, hurrying over to her and giving her a gentle hug. “Are you feeling better?”

“Yes, thank you. Tony said if I left the house to let you know, so here I am. Kade escorted me, quite by accident, I think. Or perhaps Tony sent him to keep an eye on me. At any rate, I was pleased to visit with him as we walked downtown.” Luna waved her hand around the store. “Your fashions are, as always, beyond description.”

Ilsa smiled, clearly pleased by her words. “Thank you so much, Luna. I feel very blessed to do something I love so much and get paid for it. Would you like to browse, or are you on your way somewhere?”

“I was actually on my way to Mr. Johnson’s store. I told Tony I would make dinner, but I need a few ingredients. I also need to stop by the butcher shop if that is okay.”

“That’s perfectly fine, but you don’t need to cook for us. If Tony is busy, we can get dinner at Cat’s place.”

“I’m happy to cook but just want to make sure you don’t mind if I acquire the necessary ingredients.”

“Acquire away,” Ilsa said with a grin. “Mr. Johnson has an open account for us, as does the butcher.”

“Perfect.” Luna’s eye caught on a summer shirtwaist of lace that was so delicate, it looked like fairies had spun the fabric from nothing more than fluffy clouds and air. Unable to stop herself, she walked over to look at it but somehow kept herself from fingering the soft white material. “It’s glorious.”

“Thank you. I was quite pleased with how it turned out. It looks to be about your size if you’d like to try it on.” Ilsa took a step closer to the mannequin where the shirtwaist was displayed.

“No, Ilsa, but thank you. Maybe another day.”

“In that case, you must come with me.”

Before Luna could think of a protest, Ilsa grabbed her hand, led her through the store and the workroom, where two women were busy sewing at sewing machines, and out the back door.