Shayla’s shoulders and gaze dropped as he referred to her title again. She internally reprimanded herself for expecting anything else.

The fingers on his free hand nudged her chin up and beckoned her to look at him. “Shayla, I lost control because I…I felt something, with you. Something I don’t feel…ever. I…”

She should’ve been focusing, listening, but… Did he just say he felt something for me? With me? Lost control because he felt something…as in, he has feelings? For me?

He chuckled. “Where did you go, young one?”

Shayla shook her head. “I’m sorry, Your Highness.”

He squeezed her hand and dipped his head to look up into her once again diverted gaze. “Shayla, could you please call me Kael?”

Her eyes flew to his and she gaped. “Yes?”

His grin brightened his whole face. “Was that a question?”

“No, Sir—er, Kael.” A blush bloomed hot on her face.

“Mmm, that is lovely. And so fragrant.” He fingered her cheek. “I would like to taste you, Shayla.”

She gulped and shuddered as her heart took off at a mad gallop. “O-okay.”

“Okay,” he whispered as he leaned in.

This wasn’t the wild kiss he’d claimed her with earlier. His lips found hers gently, reverently, as if he was savoring small tastes of a rare gourmet meal. One large hand grasped her shoulder and the other cupped her cheek—both brought her closer to him. He pulled and sucked at her lips, his hair falling around their faces as he rose up over her. She opened herself before he even demanded it of her—her body remembered his exquisite taste and begged for its return. Their tongues stroked and explored, but she needed more. She pushed forward just enough to suck his whole tongue deep into her mouth.

Sweet fulfillment exploded against her taste buds, dragging whimpers and moans from her. He groaned and her hands flew to his hair. Her left hand found masses of thick silky bronze she gripped and tugged as she held him to her, but her right hand fell on his jeweled braid. Knowing the significance of it, she yanked her hand back, afraid she’d offended him.

But then his big hand grasped hers where it rested against his chest and pulled it back up to his head. “Hold me,” he whispered against her lips. “Touch me.”

Shayla moaned her assent as her fingers wrapped around the braid and the jewels bit lightly into her skin.

Kael wanted to go slow. He wanted to seduce her—not just her body, but her heart, her mind. But his body was nearly vibrating with the difficulty of restraining himself. Her lust and adrenaline were heady scents in the air, but nothing compared to the tantalizing aroma of the sweet cream of her arousal. Except maybe the deep sense of psychic calm that had invaded him since she’d returned.

His cock came to life, his fangs stretched out and rubbed dangerously against her tongue and lips. He pulled back. When he bit her this time, he didn’t want it to be an accident.

“Can you forgive me, Shayla?” He searched her blue-green gaze. His life seemed to hang in the anticipation of her words.

She was breathing heavily and trembling. Her gaze was just as searching. “You hurt me.”

Her words crushed him with guilt and enlivened him with pride in her for standing up for herself. The multiple sides of her personality fascinated him. She could be both submissive and fierce, obedient and challenging. And he adored that about her. “Yes.”

“Don’t do it again.” The cocked brow above her blue eye enchanted him.

This wasn’t a woman he could push around. This was a woman who would push back. He was thrilled. He bowed his head. “You have my word.” She studied him, then nodded. He smiled. “Yes?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

He grasped her cheeks and pressed his lips to hers. “Thank you.” He tilted his head and kissed her right eye. “Thank you.” Then her left. “Thank you.”

She giggled as she fisted her hands in the thick folds of his robes. The delighted sound made his chest expand.

“My Shayla.” Ask her. Tell her. Kael pulled back and licked his lips.

“What is it?” She reached a tentative hand up, her eyes asking permission. He nodded and her small, warm palm cupped his cheekbone, stroked his brow, tucked a thick strand of hair back off his face. Each gesture left him with the overwhelming feeling of being cared for.

It has been so long….

“I need you to understand me.” He grasped her hand and kissed over her life and love lines. She tilted her head. “I want you.”

“Good.” She smiled. “You have me.”

Chapter Six