Kael clapped him on the back. “Much. Let’s return to the chamber, shall we?”

Liam smirked. “She’ll be up in about an hour.”

Kael halted. “An hour?”

“She asked for some time.”

Kael ignored the humor coloring his old friend’s expression. “I guess I can’t blame her.” They resumed walking down the twisting passageway single file until it intersected with a main corridor. Liam secured a second door—this one modern, reinforced steel, before they continued on.

What the hell was he going to do with himself for another hour? As it was, he could barely restrain himself from showing up at the door to her apartment and begging her forgiveness. He shook his head at himself as they returned to the ceremonial anteroom to the feeding chamber.

“I don’t suppose we need to replicate the cleansing ritual, do we?”

“I shouldn’t think so.” Kael braced his hands on his hips. “Then again, this is a bit irregular.”

“Yes.” Fraternal affection shone from Liam’s eyes.

Kael turned away. Hope was the most dangerous of all the emotions. He would let Liam harbor enough of it for both of them, at least for now. Kael was trying hard to manage his expectations. Exactly how this would all work out remained to be seen. And maybe it wouldn’t work out at all.

Sighing, he walked to the feeding chamber door and opened it. He knew something he could do to pass the time. But when he looked to the floor by the far wall, the mess he had created was gone. The tabletop stood empty, and the shattered glass, broken candlesticks and crushed flower stems had been removed. Kael turned to Liam, knowing without question he’d taken care of it. “Thank you, and sorry.”

Liam waved him off.

A new idea flashed into mind, and it was brilliant. “Ah, I’ll be back.”

“My lord?”

“Ten minutes.”

“My lord, this is highly unusual.”

Kael’s smile hurt his cheeks. “Yes, it certainly is.”

“What if she returns before you do?”

Kael halted in the doorway to the antechamber. “Ah. Fair point. You wait here and tell her I’m sorry to keep her waiting but will only be a moment.”


“Thanks, Liam,” Kael said, the rightness of his actions driving him away from the room. He marched through the empty halls to the small industrial kitchen. Although vampires could only consume the flesh of animals or liquids, particularly spirits, they kept other foodstuffs around for the few mated females, who retained most of their human physiology and still required regular nutrition, as well as for their human employees and the occasional human guest. Whistling, Kael pulled open the refrigerator door, unsure what he might find. He didn’t spend much time in this room.

But he was determined to lay out an offering for her—one his own hands prepared.

A hearty sausage frittata sat on the center shelf. Perfect. He pulled it out and placed two thick slices on a plate. A container of paper-thin prosciutto caught his eye. He retrieved it and some cut-up melon, and wrapped the ham around the juicy, orange chunks. His chef swore by the combination of the sweetness and saltiness, even if Kael couldn’t enjoy the fruit. Next, he ladled marinated olives, artichoke hearts and red peppers from a covered dish into a bowl. It was likely he’d just raided the human staff’s breakfast, but suspected he could find a way to make it up to them.

Kael cleaned up his mess and turned to the pantry. He added apples, oranges and mixed nuts to the tray. The meal was turning into quite a feast, igniting a satisfied warmth in his gut. He yearned to see her nourished at his hand. He added a chilled bottle of water and a crystal goblet to the tray. He debated wine, but wanted them both clearheaded for the conversation he hoped they’d have.

As he wandered back through the halls, he whistled again as he juggled his load. Liam sprung from an armchair in the corner of the feeding room when Kael breezed in. The warrior’s eyes went wide as he surveyed the contents of the weighted-down tray.

Kael settled the meal on the round table next to the bed, then poured the water into the glass. Satisfied, he turned and surveyed the room. The goblet of Shayla’s blood and his dagger still sat on the stand across the room, and the blindfold and a single white flower lay on the floor.

They needed a clean slate. Those things had to go. He glanced at Liam. “I’ve got it from here.”

Liam nodded. “As you wish, my lord.” He didn’t even try to hide his smile as he left the room. The ornate door clicked behind him.

Kael busied himself picking up and putting away the blindfold, cleaning and sheathing his dagger, and placing the small white flower on the edge of the plate of food. All of this allowed him to avoid deciding what to do with her blood. He hated to waste something so precious—precious not just because it was a virgin’s blood, but because it was her blood. But if she rejected him, he wouldn’t deserve it. And if she didn’t, well…hopefully he’d never have to feed from a cup again.