I grinned down at him and did just that. Lhoris’ eyes rolled back in his head before squeezing shut. My breaths came in ragged starts and stops until I found myself back at a desperate, frantic pace. He started straining against the rope and whispered in elvish before moaning, “Take it off, let me touch.”

His plea pushed me. Emboldened me. “Look at me,” I demanded. Lhoris’ eyes snapped open and he peered up at me with frenzied fever in his eyes. I wouldn’t untie him, but I gave him a show. Writhing, fondling my breasts, working one hand slowly down my sweat beaded belly to rub my clit. I arched back as a low, genuine moan escaped my lips.

Then I took a finger, wet with my essence, and ran it along his firm bottom lip. He groaned and opened his mouth to catch it with his teeth, but I was too quick. Watching him lick and bite his lip to taste me was my tipping point. I started rubbing myself in earnest while the delicious friction of his cock pushed me closer to the edge. Tension rising and the breath catching in my throat, his bound hands chased mine away, replacing my fingers with his own. With a soft cry and trembling breaths, I came apart on his cock, on his fingers. When my weight dropped on his hips I clenched and pulsed and shuddered around him, he whispered something unintelligible. Straining against me, he surged, cock throbbing as he came along with me.

After a few trembling groans, he managed to wind the fingers of one hand into my hair, the knuckles of the other brushing my cheek, and pulled me down for a lingering kiss while he quivered beneath me. I could feel the curl of his stunning smile against my own.

I sighed, broke the kiss, and rested my forehead on his chest, giving us both a quiet moment to just breathe. He looped his arms around me and sighed, contentedly. The rope dug into my back, and I chuckled, “Aren’t you going to untie yourself?”

“I can’t,” he admitted. “I wasn’t the one who tied it. Maybe if my magic was stronger …”

“Is there a trick to making it work or do I need to untie it?” I asked, so excited at the prospect of trying another enchanted device that I almost missed the latter part of his comment. He must not have much of a magical talent, I realized, which would explain why he’d been relying on his truly excellent swordsmanship the night before.

“It would be like lighting the hammock.” He smiled and shivered as I withdrew his cock. Gods, that smile! I had no intention of leaving his embrace, so I rolled over onto my back, his bound hands just above me.

I touched a finger to the rope and said, “I want this untied,” and it came undone, falling into a neat coil on my chest. I gasped and smiled with wonder in my heart.

Lhoris chuckled and kissed the top of my head before embracing me properly. “Well done. Though, you don’t have to speak it aloud. But it will only be that easy if you’re the one to tie it. Keep that in mind if you use it again.”

I shifted down to his side, nestling under his arm. He rummaged with his free arm for the blanket he’d tucked out of the way and tossed it over us.

“Next time, no hammock,” he said as he stared up into the dark tree branches above us.

“Next time,” I agreed and silently willed the hammock to go dark.



Iawoke with Ozanna still pressed against me. It was the happiest I’d felt in years, and yet I worried that I'd almost ruined it by letting my flirtation get a little too cruel and a little too dark. I held her tighter and fought off that absurd sense of shame. Everything turned out fine, she was still here and wanted me as badly as I had wanted her.

She stirred and a lazy, sultry smile spread across her gorgeous face.

“Hey,” she said without opening her eyes and tried to bury herself in my skin, as if the curve of the hammock didn’t force us close enough for her.

“Good morning,” I crooned. “Did you sleep well?”

With a dreamy little hum, she opened her eyes. They were the color of freshly turned earth with a spatter of gold flecks throughout. They felt like home.

“That may be the best sleep I’ve had in my life,” she replied. The suggestive lilt of her words made my cock twitch.

She started to speak again when something weighty fell into the hammock with us. It landed on my other side and tucked its trembling furry body between my arm and torso. I jerked to grab it and throw it, but Ozanna stopped me, cautioning, “Be still.” At the same time, I recalled the feathers and fur Emmelina had before she’d disappeared into the woods. The creature’s feathered head rose and rested on my pectoral. I stared into hazel owl eyes over a disproportionately small robin’s beak.

“Princess Emmelina?” I asked, though my nose had already confirmed it. Her odd, feathered head nodded.

I intended to throw off the blanket and sit up before Ozanna put her hand on my chest and whispered against my ear, “We are naked and covered in cum.”

“Ah, yes,” I said, my cheeks and ears flaring with heat, “thank you. Maybe you should get dressed since your nudity would be less distressing for her? Then you can take her out of the hammock while I get dressed.”

“Okay,” Ozanna said and slipped out from under the blanket. She looked towards the sad-eyed princess and smiled while looking for her clothes.

“I see you’re a little out of sorts,” Ozanna said to her. “I’m glad you found us; we were having a hard time finding you.” She frowned a little at me and said, “I only have one pair of underpants left at camp, you know.” Then she slid into her blouse and pants.

I bit my lip to conceal a smirk, almost regretting tossing the garment out of the hammock, and turned my attention to the trembling creature at my side. She was at least half the size she was when I’d last seen her. There was still a scrap of dress collar around her long goose-like neck. The rest of her body was furry, like a red squirrel, though she didn’t have a tail, and her hands and feet were all those of birds. There were raptor claws in the place of hands and webbed duck toes where her feet should have been.

“Oh, dear girl,” I said sadly, “You had a very hard night, didn’t you?”

Emmelina cried out and threw her little bird hands around my neck. Her pitiful, keening cries resembled those of a distressed rabbit. Dumbstruck, I looked at Ozanna and petted the poor creature’s head.