Page 39 of Breaking the Dark

“No. I don’t suppose you can.”

“Do you mind if I…?” He indicates the stool opposite her.

She shrugs. “Sure.”

“I’m Gavin, by the way.”

“Jessica.” She gives him her hand to shake.

“So, what brings you here? You something to do with that Randall guy?”

“Randall? No. And that’s the second time today that someone’s asked me about him. Who is he?”

“Oh, some rich bloke, bought the big manor house last year.”

“Oh, so you know him?”

“No. Not really. Only inasmuch as everyone knows him, because he’s got the big house.” He peers into his murky drink and then up at Jessica. “So, what is it that you’re doing here, then?”

“A bit of research. For a book.”

“Oh yes? What kind of book?”

“Historical detective novel.”

“Set here?”

“No. Set in a fictional village, a bit like this, but not this one.”

Gavin looks at her skeptically, but then appears to decide that this is acceptable, and nods. They fall silent for a moment before Gavin looks up at her and says, “You married?”

“Oh, no. No, I’m not.”


“No. Not that I’m aware of.”

“I’m not chatting you up by the way. Happily married man.” He shows her his ring. “Just don’t like to see a beautiful woman sitting all alone.”

“Oh, that’s so kind of you.”

“Yes, well, we’re like that round here. We’re good people. Here. The music’s about to start up in the front bar. Fancy it? I can introduce you to a few locals. Some of them might be able to help you with your”—he waggles his fingers dismissively—“detective novel.”

Jessica makes a long, silent inward sigh before collecting her drink and saying, “Sounds good!” as brightly as she can.

She follows Gavin back through to the main bar and he sits her down at a table with a group of men and women of varying ages and says, “This here is Jessica from New York. She’s writing a book.”

As they all stare at her, Jessica lifts her glass. “Cheers,” she says, wishing suddenly and painfully to be alone in her hotel room staring at a wall.

“Wow,” says a woman with pink streaks in her hair. “What’s your book about?”

“Well, I haven’t started writing it yet. But it’s going to be a historical detective novel, set in the 1800s.”

“Oh,” the woman replies. “I love historical crime. Have you read any S. J. Parris?”

Jessica laughs nervously. “Oh God, probably, I’m terrible at remembering what I’ve read.”

“Have you had anything published?”